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Health and Safety Plan <br />liquid. Do not smoke or drink because both act to constrict blood <br />vessels and will inhibit circulation in the area. If the frostbitten area <br />blisters do not break them; see a doctor soon to check for infection. <br />5.10 Routine Decontamination <br />"Decontamination" is a procedure for removing, or "doffing," the personal protective <br />equipment in a specified order to prevent the spread of contaminants. During breaks <br />and at lunch it is important that sorters remove the equipment so as not to inhale or <br />consume contaminants on the gear. <br />6. Recyclable Materials Handling Procedures <br />6.1 Presorting <br />Sorters categorizing the material samples and conducting the sorting will be wearing a <br />level of protective clothing and respiratory equipment which will not allow them to <br />work with an unexamined sample of recyclable materials. The Site Supervisor or <br />another adequately- trained staff member will presort the sample, looking for <br />hazardous, household hazardous, or infectious waste before it may be shoveled onto <br />the sort table. If unsorted recyclable material samples are brought into the sorting <br />building, sorters will stay near the sort tables and not sort the materials until told that it <br />is ready. <br />6.2 Sorting Materials <br />Sorting and categorizing materials requires that it be picked up with the hands. Nitrile <br />gloves with optional cotton liners will be provided to protect the skin from dirt and <br />potential hazards, but they will not protect against sharp materials, which will <br />certainly be in the samples. To avoid being cut or receiving a puncture wound, items <br />will be picked from the surface of the piled recyclable materials. <br />Moving the materials to the containers used for categorizing and weighing the <br />recyclable materials will be done with care. Sorters will station themselves at a single <br />position near a table and sort for the family of materials identified on the barrels <br />nearest their location. Sorters will be trained to avoid grabbing handfuls of like <br />materials and will not run around the table to the barrels behind other workers. One <br />could easily trip, be knocked down, hit with an item, or at the very least startle a <br />fellow worker by being behind them when unexpected. Materials in other categories <br />will be passed to fellow workers nearer those barrels. Throwing or tossing the <br />recyclable materials will not be allowed. <br />Prior to initiating the sorting event, the Site Supervisor will provide each sorter with a <br />list of the various material categories and their definitions. The Site Supervisor will <br />review the materials to be sorted and address any questions about the various <br />categories. <br />B1605 5 <br />