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Appendix A <br />systems. The metropolitan area counties and State of Minnesota could <br />consider the need for a set of independent, parallel tests resulting in <br />statistically reliable data that compares single- stream processing residuals <br />to dual- stream processing residuals. <br />2. Review of contracting provisions and implementation practices - This <br />analysis summarized recycling contract language used by the City of <br />Shoreview in 2001. A survey of other metro area communities may reveal <br />additional examples of other cities establishing "processing residuals <br />maximums" in their recycling contracts. Finally, this research activity <br />could help with the efforts to standardize definitions and monitoring <br />procedures. <br />3. Review of MRF operator procedures to minimize processing residuals <br />- This analysis has only touched the surface of a much deeper set of <br />operator policies and practices to minimize processing residuals and <br />maximize clean, marketable recyclable products. A direct survey of MRF <br />operators, both public and private, could help further itemize these policies <br />and operations. The end result of this additional research could be to <br />establish generic industry "best practices" recommendations. <br />4. Review of current end -use applications for mixed - color, broken glass - <br />There are many MRFs sending a variety of materials to landfills. Some of <br />these materials are defined as "waste for disposal' and some are defined as <br />"aggregate substitutes for alternative daily landfill cover ". There is a need <br />to survey such current policies and practices by county, state, and private <br />companies. This relatively simple research activity would help greatly to <br />establish the current "baseline" for discussion about the effectiveness of the <br />current systems in minimizing MRF process residuals. <br />A-O B1605 <br />