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Page 3 of 4 QUlT CLAIM DEED <br />EXHIBIT A <br />LEGAL DESCRIPTION <br />ihat part of the following described tract of land in the City of Roseville; <br />(Parcel 2) <br />Lots 6, 7, 14 and 15 and the North Half of Lot 13 and the North Haif of Lot 8, Block B, Twin Visw, accortling to the <br />recorded pEat thereof, Ramsey County, Minnesota. Except that part deedetl to the City of Roseville per Qocument No. <br />9511814, dated June 7, 9960, and also excepf that part of the Final Certificate, per pocument No. 1698540, dated May <br />97, 1967. <br />Which lies within the following fee acquisiiion areas: <br />That part of (Parcel 2} which lies norfherly and westerly of the #ollowing described 1ine: Commencing at the <br />intersection of a line drawn parallel with and distant 10,00 feet west of the east fines of Lots 6 and 7, 81ock B, <br />7win View, according io said plat on file and of record in the office af the County Recorder, Ramsey County, <br />Minnesota, and the no�th (ine of said Lot 6; thence South 1 degree 92 minuies 1Q seconds East, assumed <br />bearing, along said line drawn parallel with and distant 10.00 feet west of the east lines of Lois 6 and 7, a <br />distance of 84,35 feet to the point of beginning oi fhe line to be describetl; thence wes#erfy 114.74 fee#, along a <br />non-tangential curve concave to the north, having a radius of 388,16 feet, a cenfral angle of 16 degrees 56 <br />minuies 12 seconds and a chord which bears South 80 degrees 56 minutes 56 seconds West; thence South 89 <br />degrees 25 minutes 02 seconds West, tangent to the last described curve, 419.04 feet; thence South 36 <br />degrees 22 minutes 36 seconds West 22.00 feet; #hence South 1 degree 32 minutes 35 seconds East 193.22 <br />feet; thence South 5 degrees 25 minutes 15 seconds West 4.05 feet to the south line of said Narth Half of Lot <br />13, Bfock B, and said line there ferminating. <br />AND <br />That part of the following described tract of land in the City of Roseville: <br />(ParceE 8} <br />Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, Block C, Twin View, except the West 10 feet thereof, and all #hat pa�t of the South 833 fee# of the <br />Wesf 1/2 of the Southwest 114 of Section 4, Township 29, Range 23, lying East and North of the above described lats, <br />and East of the northerly extension of the East line of said West 10 feet of said lots, and No�th of County Road "C", <br />except the East 30 feet of #he aforedescribed part o# the Southwest 114 and excep# property conveyed by Deed <br />Document No, 1604588, situate in Ramsey Caunty, Minnesota. <br />Which lies within the following fee acquisition areas: <br />That part of (Parcel 8) described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of a line drawn parallel with and <br />distant 30.00 feet west af the east line of the Southwest Quarter of the Sou#hwest Quarter of Section 4, <br />Township 29, Range 23, Ramsey County, Minnesota, and the north line of the south 833.QQ feet of said <br />Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter; #hence South 1 degree 1 Q minutes 59 seconds East, assumed <br />bearing, along said fine drawn para[lel with and distant 30,00 #eet west af the east line of the Southwes# Quarter <br />of the Southwest Qua�ter, 4Q1.36 feet; thence Norfih 7 degrees 28 minutes 46 seconds West 227.30 #eet; <br />thence North 57 degrees 42 minutes 35 seconds West $$.57 feet; thence Sou#h 83 degrees 51 minutes 34 <br />secontls West 96.54 feet; thence Nor#h 89 degrees 06 minutes 19 seconds West 136.85 feet; thence westerly <br />and southwesterly 171.52 feet, aiong a tangenfial curve cancave to the southeast, having a radius of 275.00 <br />feet and a central angle of 35 degrees 44 minutes 09 seconds; thence South 30 degrees 14 minutes 25 <br />