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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,January 07,2013 <br /> Page 13 <br /> After further discussion, City Manager Malinen agreed to be the alternate for the <br /> City of Roseville. <br /> McGhee moved, Etten seconded, Mayor Roe as the City of Roseville's Board <br /> Member to the North Suburban Communications Commission / North Suburban <br /> Access Corporation Board, with City Manager Malinen designated as the alter- <br /> nate. <br /> Mayor Roe noted that this designation could be changed at any time, as there was <br /> no statutory requirement that it be done annually. <br /> Roll Call <br /> Ayes: Willmus; Etten; McGehee; Laliberte; and Roe. <br /> Nays: None. <br /> Mayor Roe suggested that the current liaisons to the ISD 623 Owasso School Site <br /> Task Force remain in place for 2013; as well as the Ex-officio members (Ma linen <br /> and Roe)to the Roseville Fire Relief Association Board of Trustees. <br /> City Manager Malinen advised that designation of the City of Roseville's Emer- <br /> gency Management Team would be on the January 28, 2013,meeting agenda. <br /> City Council Subcommittees <br /> Mayor Roe noted that the City Council currently had two (2) standing Subcom- <br /> mittees: City Manager Performance Review and Capital Improvement <br /> Plan/Program. Mayor Roe referenced his January 7, 2013, Memorandum (At- <br /> tachment B) with suggestions and rationale for those suggestions for those stand- <br /> ing committees: to retain the City Manager Performance Evaluation Subcommit- <br /> tee, and to rename the CIP Subcommittee as the "Finance and Budget Subcom- <br /> mittee" and expand its responsibilities for overall budget and financial oversight <br /> and to make recommendations for revisions to the full body. Mayor Roe also <br /> suggested adding a"Council Rules Subcommittee." <br /> Councilmember McGehee noted her service as an ad hoc Subcommittee of one <br /> (1) as a Video Committee over the last year, and suggested that be incorporated <br /> into the Rules Subcommittee for reviewing items, in addition to those items pre- <br /> viously discussed at tonight's meeting. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte opined that she liked the idea of a Subcommittee to dis- <br /> cuss the public comment process and video commentary and how to do so; how- <br /> ever, she didn't suggest that it be a standing subcommittee for that particular item. <br /> Councilmember Willmus opined that, while that was one way to look at it, it may <br /> be more beneficial to have such discussion of the entire City Council in a work <br /> session environment. <br />