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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,January 07, 2013 <br /> Page 18 <br /> Mayor Roe noted that there were considerable and significant aspects to that top- <br /> ic, and before establishing a subcommittee,more information was needed. <br /> Councilmember McGehee advised that she was starting it, and it was only at the <br /> brainstorming step right now, and any thoughts or ideas from the community <br /> would be welcome, as well as recommended changes or funding sources. Coun- <br /> cilmember McGehee advised that she was utilizing the development expertise of <br /> HRA staff at this time, noting the benefit to the City's revenue and overall safety <br /> of the community from a number of aspects. Councilmember McGehee offered <br /> to continue as is, in the brainstorming mode, and encouraged public participation; <br /> offering to report back to the full body at a later date. <br /> Mayor Roe recognized that the City's Police Department was already working <br /> proactively in this area, as well as Ramsey County Attorney's Office, some <br /> through educating hotel management about related issues and activities, and how <br /> to be aware of them. Mayor Roe opined that all those efforts were good. <br /> Mayor Roe noted, as suggested in his Memorandum, that subcommittees could be <br /> adjusted as indicated, but opined that tonight's actions were a good start moving <br /> forward. <br /> On page 3 of his Memorandum, Mayor Roe noted other policy committees for <br /> Metropolitan Cities or the League of Minnesota Cities, and suggested working <br /> with City Manager Malinen and his staff to get applications in, without any for- <br /> mal City Council action required. <br /> Councilmember Willmus questioned the City Council's representation at Rose- <br /> ville Rotary meetings, noting their significant donations over the last year to the <br /> City. Councilmember Willmus suggested that it may be a good idea to explore <br /> membership in that organization, as well as reviewing other organizations where <br /> membership may be advantageous. <br /> Mayor Roe noted that, in the past, cost of membership had been an issue, whether <br /> personal attendance and membership or corporately by the City. <br /> Councilmember Willmus suggested that costs and associated benefits be reviewed <br /> again. <br /> Mayor Roe noted the existence of two (2) Chambers of Commerce in the area, <br /> both interested in the City's membership. Mayor Roe opined that it made sense to <br /> reach out to the community and participate in that regard, noting that the-one of <br /> the City's Strategic Plan goals was to work on economic development over the <br /> next year,which dovetailed with that as well. <br />