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HRA Meeting <br />Minutes –Tuesday, November 20, 2012 <br />Page 4 <br />1 <br />adopted nuisance ordinance, in an effort to make the City safe and law abiding and provide quality <br />2 <br />housing in its neighborhoods. <br />3 <br />4 <br />Mr. Trudgeon briefly highlighted the HRA’ recent strategic planning efforts identifying as one priority <br />5 <br />the need to create and maintain quality and sustainable housing options; as well as a priority identifying <br />6 <br />and/or eliminating blight on individual properties and neighborhoods. Mr. Trudgeon advised that it was <br />7 <br />the HRA’s intent to partner with the City in developing regulations to develop a better understanding of <br />8 <br />what is actuallyneeded. Mr. Trudgeon assured the public that this was not a random idea, but had been <br />9 <br />under discussion for over five (5) years in addressing multi-family properties in the community and that <br />10 <br />those properties remain a good resource for the City. As necessary, Mr. Trudgeon advised that tools <br />11 <br />were available and some yet to be identified and implemented to address problematic properties. <br />12 <br />13 <br />HRA Housing Program ManagerJeanne Kelseysummarized the CURA report referenced by Mr. <br />14 <br />Trudgeon in other first-ring suburbs as well as stand-alone communities, and in rural MN, thirteen (13) <br />15 <br />communities in all, and compared their best practicesto regulate multi-family housing in a community <br />16 <br />as potential options.Ms. Kelsey noted that most applicants for licensing were inspected pre-license, <br />17 <br />usually starting on an annual basis, and thereafter inspections may be based on only a percentage of <br />18 <br />units annually depending on that initial inspection and conditions found. Ms. Kelsey referenced <br />19 <br />inspections in Brooklyn Center (basedon the building’s valuation and subsequent rating). Ms. Kelsey <br />20 <br />noted some use third party inspections versus in-house City staff inspections. However, Ms. Kelsey <br />21 <br />advised that the most important issue is that penalties were enforced for those properties not kept in <br />22 <br />order or found in violation of standards, with those penalties dependent on the classification tier, and in <br />23 <br />conjunction with Police and Fire Departments in coordinated efforts. Ms. Kelsey advised that the HRA <br />24 <br />and City preferred to emphasis communication and education/outreach efforts with landlords and rental <br />25 <br />property management to address exterior building code violations, to reduce or eliminate repeat <br />26 <br />nuisances from criminal activities in those buildings; and potentially through use of a crime-free <br />27 <br />addendum to lease agreements, providing landlords the ability to evict tenants for that type of violation. <br />28 <br />29 <br />Mr. Trudgeon concluded staff’s introduction by encouraging input from audience members, or if they <br />30 <br />preferred, through providing that input via mail, or by e-mail from linking to the City’s website. Mr. <br />31 <br />Trudgeon stressed the desire to hear all perspectives, and to ensure all have opportunities to share their <br />32 <br />thoughts, comments, and suggestions. <br />33 <br />34 <br />Ms. Kelsey reiterated that this discussion is preliminary in nature, and public engagement throughout <br />35 <br />the process, regardless of the final recommendations. Ms. Kelsey noted that, if attendees signed up on <br />36 <br />the sheet at the back of the room with their e-mail, staff would include them on future e-mail notices <br />37 <br />and meetings as the process moved forward to the next step. <br />38 <br />39 <br />Public Comment <br />40 <br />Dick Houck, Roseville Resident <br />41 <br />Mr. Houck referenced his written comments, apparently previously e-mailed, and asked that they be <br />42 <br />attached hereto and madea part hereof. <br />entered into the record, <br />43 <br />44 <br />Mr. Houck asked if this was an effort initiated by the HRA or by the City Council. <br />45 <br />46 <br />Chair Maschka clarified that the City Council would ultimately make the decision on any licensing <br />47 <br />program; noting that this was an extremely complex issue with multiple and significant alternatives. <br />48 <br />Chair Maschka noted, from a personal perspective, that his preference was to incentivize positive and <br />49 <br />responsible rental property ownership and management; and that the intent of the HRA as a body was to <br />50 <br />continue to glean an understanding of the problem, solutions that work and those that do not, and <br />51 <br />determine a direction to recommend to the City Council for the community of Roseville. <br />52 <br />53 <br />Mr. Houck noted that the country had just endured nine (9) months of political rhetoric; and from his <br />54 <br />perspective, this reeked of another instance of government intruding on private businesses and applying <br />55 <br />additional fees or taxes from the associated costs of such a program. Mr. Houck stated that “it looks to <br /> <br />
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