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Attachment A <br />Ms.JeanneKelseyDecember10,2012 <br />RosevilleHRAPage8 <br />PROPOSED FEE <br />COMPREHENSIVE MULTIFAMILY HOUSING ANALYSIS FOR THE CITY ROSEVILLE <br />Maxfield Research Inc. StaffProject <br />Mary MattAmandaPhyllisTotals <br />BujoldMullinsJanzenAustin <br />PresidentVice-PresidentAnalystSupport <br />Project Task <br />A.Project Kick-off Meeting20204 <br />B.Demographic Analysis0012012 <br />C.Housing Characteristics & Conditions2012014 <br />D.For-Sale Market Review4212018 <br />E.Rental Market Analysis2420026 <br />F.Senior Housing Market Analysis4212018 <br />G.Conclusions and Recommendations6412022 <br />HMeetings and Report Preparation1008624 <br />Total Hours3012906138 <br />(times) Hourly Rate$150$125$75$55 <br />Total Cost for Staff Time$4,500$1,500$6,750$330$13,080 <br />(Plus) Printing Cost (3 bound copies @ $45/copy)$135 <br />Total Cost for Staff Time, Travel Expenses, & Printing$13,215 <br />COMPLETIONTIME <br />TheworkoutlinedunderScopeofServiceswillbecompletedindraftformwithinNinety(90) <br />daysoftheexecutionofthisagreementunlessdelayedbyunexpectedemergencies,forcesbe <br />yondthecontroloftheparties,orbywrittenagreementoftheparties. <br />PROPOSED COMPLETION TIMEFRAME <br />CITY OF ROSEVILLE COMPREHENSIVE HOUSING NEEDS STUDY <br />Month 1Month 2Month 3Month 4 <br />Project TaskWk 1Wk 2Wk 3Wk 4Wk 1Wk 2Wk 3Wk 4Wk 1Wk 2Wk 3Wk 4Wk 1Wk 2Wk 3Wk 4 <br />Project Overview and Initial Meeting <br />Demographic Analysis <br />Housing Characterstics & Conditions <br />Senior Cooperative For-Sale Market Review <br />Rental Market Analysis <br />Senior Housing Market Analysis <br />Conclusions and Recommendations <br />Meetings and Report Preparation <br />Delivery of Draft Report* <br />Presentation <br />* We would deliver a final of the report within two weeks after receiving feedback on the draft report. <br />MAXFIELDRESEARCHINC. <br /> <br />