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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, February 11, 2013 <br /> Page 7 <br /> Councilmember McGehee questioned if a three (3) year, 2% cost of living ad- <br /> justment (COLA) would provide parity for all employees not in a bargaining unit. <br /> Councilmember McGehee noted that that results remained pending from the com- <br /> pensation study, and questioned why those results, originally anticipated in De- <br /> cember of 2012, had not yet been seen. In terms of a general parity policy, Coun- <br /> cilmember McGehee questioned if a three (3) year contract was appropriate. <br /> City Manager Malinen advised that this bargaining unit, this one the Police Ser- <br /> geant's unit with five (5) employees as at 100% of the market now. For 2013, <br /> Mr. Malinen noted that the budget allowed for all employees to receive a 2% in- <br /> crease, providing parity with the first year of the contract; and COLA was trend- <br /> ing at 2% for 2014 in the marketplace as well. Mr. Malinen noted that only dif- <br /> ference was with the third year. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte concurred that locking into a contract for three (3) years <br /> at 2%, while not yet having determined what all employees will be receiving dur- <br /> ing those three years, didn't seem prudent. <br /> City Manager Malinen cautioned that this unit has arbitration rights and associat- <br /> ed costs for such mediation, and if that should occur, those negotiations will be <br /> focused externally versus internally in regard to equity. Mr. Malinen advised that <br /> arbitrators typically lean toward bargaining units versus municipalities; and noted <br /> that an advantage of the third year to the City also provided a known budget <br /> amount moving forward. <br /> Regarding the compensation study, Mr. Malinen advised that Human Resources <br /> Director Eldona Bacon was in communication with Springsted, and the study was <br /> expected within the next month; and advised that unfortunately the study had been <br /> delayed some, as well as deferred for a new City Council coming on board. <br /> Mayor Roe noted that staff's recommendation appeared to get the three years <br /> locked in to avoid risks associated through arbitration. <br /> After those further details were provided by City Manager Malinen, Coun- <br /> cilmember Laliberte spoke in support of staff's recommendation to avoid risking <br /> arbitration; however, she didn't want the City Council to be forced by five em- <br /> ployees in a bargaining unit to be bound at 2% for three years for all employees. <br /> Laliberte moved, McGehee seconded, approval of the proposed terms and condi- <br /> tions for the 2013 — 2015 collective bargaining agreement with the Teamsters as <br /> detailed in the Request for Council Action (RCA) dated February 11, 2013; and <br /> directing City staff to prepare the necessary documents for executive, subject to <br /> City Attorney approval as to legal form. <br /> Roll Call <br />