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2 <br />I met Lonnie Brokke at an event held at Applewood Park and he showed me the extensive plans for the park system <br />renovation. I mentioned to him that I’d like to get involved and at a later meeting he suggested applying to the <br />commission. Since we have a lot of appreciation an d involvement with Parks and Rec, I’d be honored to be able to give <br />back to the program. I feel like I could valuable perspective of a young family in Roseville. I also enjoy interacting with <br />people and hearing their opinions. As an engineer I also bring a strong analytical ethic an d enjoy thoroughly <br />understanding issues at hand. These traits ensure I bring valuable input to any discussion. <br /> <br />What is your view of the role of this Commission/ Board?: The role of the commission is simple: listen to and solicit the <br />concerns of the population. On any given issue people will fall in support or opposition, and the commission nee ds to <br />strongly consider the opposition when listening to what supporters want. Citizens want more than anything to know <br />how their money is being spent and to have a voice for their desires for the community. If I were appointed, a large <br />focus of my term would be com munity interaction. <br /> <br />The master plan fiscal allocations definitely caused some tension within the community. There is a lot of opportunity to <br />inform the community about all the positives the master plan will create that will do a lot to reduce their concerns. <br />Using both new and old met hods we can reach out to Roseville and bring people together in support of the parks and <br />recreation system. <br /> <br />Further, for this term, I believe the role of the commission is to monitor the progress of the master plan and <br />communicate that information to concerned citizens. <br /> <br />Any further i nformation you would like the City Council to consider or that you feel is relevant to the appointment or <br />reappointment you are seeking.: I am very enthusiastic about this opportunity to serve Roseville. Since I started working <br />full time I have not had any civic engagement, and I would definitely like th e chance to serve the community where I <br />making a home for my family. <br /> <br />I understand that information provided in this application may be distributed by the City to the public including, but not <br />limited to, being posted on the City of Roseville website. I agree to waive any and all claims u nder the Minnesota <br />Government Data Practices Act, or any other applicable state and federal law, that in any way related to the <br />dissemination to the public of information contained in this application that would be classified as private under such <br />laws. I understand that I may contact the responsible authority fo r the City of Roseville if I have any questions regarding <br />the public or private nature of the information provided.: Yes <br /> <br />Occasionally City staff gets requests from the media or from the public for ways to contact Commission members. The <br />Commission roster is periodicaly made available. Please indicate w hich information the City may release to someone <br />who requests it or that may be included on the Commission roster. Under MN Statute §13.601. subd. 3(b), either a <br />telephone or electronic mail address (or both) where you can be reached must be made available to the public. Please <br />indicate at least one ph one number or one email address to be available to the public, and fill in the corresponding <br />information in the below.: Cell Phone Number,Preferred Email Address <br /> <br />Home Phone : <br />Work Phone : <br />Cell Phone: <br />Preferred Email Address: j <br /> <br />I have read and understand the statements on this form, and I hereby swear or affirm that the statements on this form <br />are true. : Yes <br /> <br />Additional Information: <br />Form submitted on: 2/26/2013 10:25:35 PM
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