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34 <br />35 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS <br />36 This project could be funded by energy savings achieved in the 2012 budget year in the Building <br />37 Maintenance area or capital improvements in the Building Fund. The upfront cost to the city is <br />38 approximately $66,000. The total project cost is estimated at $660,000. The payback in energy <br />39 savings is 12- 13 years for the city's initial investment with an additional projected $237,000 in <br />40 energy savings in the first 30 years. Additional savings would be realized in subsequent years. <br />41 The projections include an assumed 4% inflation factor on energy costs. <br />42 STAFF RECOMMENDATION <br />43 Staff recommends the City Council discuss the merits of solar installations on city facilities and <br />44 consider authorizing staff to further study project feasibility and financing proposals from <br />45 potential partners. Staff may need to sign a non - binding letter of intent on behalf of the city to <br />46 further a project to final proposal for consideration by the City Council. Staff will comeback to <br />47 the Council with a specific recommendation at a future meeting. <br />48 REQUESTED COUNCIL ACTION <br />49 Discuss Solar PV installations on city facilities and authorize staff to seek proposals for future <br />50 consideration. <br />51 <br />Prepared by: Duane Schwartz, Public Works Director <br />Attachments: A. None <br />Page 2 of 2 <br />