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Analternativewaytorank: <br />80 <br />1‘Criticaltothe-z·äx­Functioning <br />81 <br />2 <br />82 <br />3‘Significant <br />83 <br />4 <br />84 <br />5‘Important <br />85 <br />6 <br />86 <br />7‘Desirable <br />87 <br />88 <br />Once the Council decides on how they are going to perform their rankings (or Staff rankings), the next <br />89 <br />step is to actually perform the exercise. Attachments A and B includes a listing of the tax-supported and <br />90 <br />non-tax supported programs, along with the rankings from two years ago. The programs are arranged <br />91 <br />in order of highest ranked to lowest. Attachment C includes the list of Strategic Plan initiatives that <br />92 <br />should also receive consideration in the ranking process. When the Council is prepared to move <br />93 <br />forward, a blank template of these ranking sheets will be provided. <br />94 <br />95 <br />Finally,Attachment D provides a description of the budget programs. <br />96 <br />97 <br />O <br />P <br />OLICYBJECTIVE <br />98 <br />A review of the Council’s Program Budget Priorities is consistent with the adopted budget calendar and <br />99 <br />the City’s Performance Management Program. <br />100 <br />FI <br />INANCIAL MPACTS <br />101 <br />Not applicable. <br />102 <br />SR <br />TAFF ECOMMENDATION <br />103 <br />Staff recommends that the Council continue to support the City’s Performance Management <br />104 <br />Program by adopting a priority ranking methodology to be used for the 2014/2015 Budget. <br />105 <br />RCA <br />EQUESTED OUNCIL CTION <br />106 <br />Approve, or continue discussion on, the budget program ranking criteria and methodology for the <br />107 <br />2014/2015 Budget. <br />108 <br />109 <br />Prepared by: Chris Miller, Finance Director <br />Attachments: A: Budget Program Rankings: Property Tax-Supported Programs <br /> B: Budget Program Rankings: Non-Property Tax Supported Programs <br /> C: Summary of 2014-2017 Strategic Plan Initiatives <br /> D: Description of Budget Programs <br />110 <br />Page 3 of 3 <br /> <br />