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the City through the Comp Plan and Zoning Ordinance is to be a conforming use. <br />100 <br />101 <br />The Planning Division did discuss the topic of rezoning this area, however <br />102 <br />thought that the best solution was a text amendment since there would be a <br />103 <br />meandering zoning line in order to capture all properties affected by the previous <br />104 <br />changes. <br />105 <br />The Planning Division’s analysis concludes that a text change is preferred over a <br />106 <br />zoning map change, and that allowing such uses to be permitted within the <br />107 <br />Regional Business District will not create a situation where the City encounters a <br />108 <br />proliferation of such uses, but just the contrary. There are only certain areas <br />109 <br />and/or buildings where such use makes sense and these areas are already being <br />110 <br />occupied. Therefore, the Planning Division recommends that the use chart, Table <br />111 <br />1005-1, be amended to include Limited Production and Processing as a permitted <br />112 <br />use in the Regional Business District. <br />113 <br />PCA <br />LANNINGOMMISSIONCTION <br />114 <br />At the duly noticed public hearing, one property owner spoke in favor of the <br />115 <br />subject text amendment. Mr. Mark Rancone, Roseville Properties, indicated to <br />116 <br />the Planning Commission that they have had such uses within the subject area <br />117 <br />buildings for many years, and that having the cloud of non-conformity hanging <br />118 <br />over is site/use makes investment/reinvestment difficult, especially in a tight <br />119 <br />credit market. He added that these uses are low impact and very clean. <br />120 <br />The Planning Commission voted (6-0) to recommend approval of the suggested <br />121 <br />text amendment adding Limited Processing and Production as a permitted use <br />122 <br />within the Regional Business District. <br />123 <br />SCCA <br />UGGESTEDITYOUNCILCTION <br />124 <br />Adopt an Ordinance amending Table 1005-1 of the Commercial and Mixed Use <br />125 <br />District to allow Limited Production and Processing as a permitted use within the <br />126 <br />Regional Business District. <br />127 <br />Prepared by: City Planner Thomas Paschke (651-792-7072) <br />Attachments: A. Zoning Map <br /> B. Draft PC Minutes <br /> C. Draft Ordinance <br /> D. Summary Ordinance <br />Amdt6_RCA_032513.doc <br />Page 4 of 4 <br /> <br />