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City Council Meeting Minutes
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3/29/2013 12:56:25 PM
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3/29/2013 12:56:22 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,March 18,2013 <br /> Page 14 <br /> $10,000.00 of the allotted $20,000.000 would be used; or approximately $34,000 <br /> in 2013 for initial implementation and annual maintenance of the system; without <br /> any additional cost by medical carriers for ongoing connections. <br /> At the request of Councilmember Laliberte regarding the type of reports staff will <br /> be able to generate electronically versus hand-reporting through this new system <br /> compared to the existing payroll system, Ms. Bacon advised some would include <br /> EEO required reports and any other employee related data that is not numeric or <br /> finance based, since the payroll system was numerically-based. Ms. Bacon pro- <br /> vided several examples of data that would be more readily available once all data <br /> had been entered into the system. <br /> At the request of Councilmember Laliberte as to whether staff investigated <br /> whether this same type of system and data tracking would be available through <br /> the current payroll system and whether a second vendor/system was required, Ms. <br /> Bacon advised that this had been researched by staff. Ms. Bacon advised that the <br /> research had found that none of the stakeholders found Springbrook intuitive as it <br /> was very much a financial package; and since employees would be personally en- <br /> tering some data and managers using that data, it would create a long function ra- <br /> ther than a logical function for those employees and be unable to meet the needs <br /> based on how that software was driven. Ms. Bacon advised that Springbrook <br /> software would also not provide online performance reviews as a function; with <br /> management staff hoping to have that function to improve timely reviews for em- <br /> ployees, as well as options for employees to perform their own self-evaluations <br /> online and maintain that data in-house. <br /> Mayor Roe noted that last week's discussion indicated that there would not be any <br /> offset savings in Human Resources functions through this HIRS,but that it would <br /> just allow that work to be done more efficiently, and asked Ms. Bacon if this was <br /> a fair assessment from her perspective. <br /> Ms. Bacon concurred, opining that it was a misnomer that software and electron- <br /> ics saved people time, it just allowed use of time in a different fashion. Ms. Ba- <br /> con noted that someone needed to enter that data, and it would take time to do so. <br /> Ms. Bacon suggested that the time savings may be found at the back end for lead- <br /> ership in how they were able to manage their staff and do their budgeting and <br /> planning for their departments by being able to pull reporting and analytics for <br /> better decision-making. <br /> At the request of Councilmember Laliberte, Ms. Bacon confirmed that other ven- <br /> dors would not incur any additional costs, and that the $1,250.00 previously quot- <br /> ed represented the total cost. If the City were to change insurance carriers in the <br /> future, Ms. Bacon advised that staff would negotiate with that vendor to provide a <br /> similar link if they were interested in providing coverage. <br /> • <br />
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