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4/2/13 Shore�iewmn.govMail - HRC meeting today April 17, 2012 <br />Item 5.b.i <br />Shoreview Intergenerational Dialogue <br />,;:_��� <br />SFtot�'�v=�.� ti�v <br />HRC meeting today <br />;, <br />Nancy Hite <> <br />To: TESSIA MELVIN <> <br />Tue, Apr 2, 2013 at 10:02 AM <br />Hi, Tessia. <br />I ha� put together some proposed questions for panelists and small groups for the intergenerational dialogue to <br />present to the planning group today. Ha� you heard from any other possible partners? I think we really need a <br />youth based organization inwl�d. Maybe we can follow up with some of the youth agencies or churches that <br />ha� youth groups. <br />Here are some sample questions for the group to review/decide, <br />1. What are the most important factors to you feeling like you are welcome or belong in a community? <br />2. When you enter a public place - e.g. library, place of worship, or park; what lets you know you are welcome or <br />not welcome? <br />3. What challenges or experiences ha� you had that are directly related to your age? <br />4. What would you like to share with the community that you think they should know about people your age? <br />5. How do we create a community that excels in honoring people of all ages? <br />I will also try to find the "Rules of Engagement" piece that we used for our first dialogue - it outlines respectful <br />ways to interact in the small group. <br />See you later today; let me know if you haue any questions. <br />Nancy <br />