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City Council Meeting Minutes
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4/25/2013 1:01:03 PM
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4/25/2013 1:01:01 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,April 8,2013 <br /> Page 7 <br /> long time for presentation. Given that length of time, Councilmember Laliberte <br /> questioned if the information in the end result was credible and useful, or just <br /> pulled together for presentation purposes. <br /> Ms. Antonsen advised that the purpose of the extended length of time in providing <br /> the results had been to ensure sufficient data was available to perform a credible <br /> analysis. In using League of Minnesota Cities data, Ms. Antonsen advised that a <br /> number of gaps remained since all positions were not covered; causing their firm <br /> to decide to re-contact all responding cities after January of 2013; and allowing <br /> for very comprehensive data for all cities based on that additional timeframe. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte asked that Ms. Antonsen or Ms. Bacon further expound <br /> on proposed recommendations. <br /> Ms. Bacon reviewed the four (4) recommendations as detailed in the presentation <br /> materials; and including abandoning the merit pay system and creating a perfor- <br /> mance component to the compensation plan proposed to be phased in for a total <br /> implementation cost of$195,000 to increase compensation by 4.6%; reclassifying <br /> some eight (8) positions based on job classification points; and adjusting City <br /> Council pay to 100%of the market average. <br /> Councilmember Etten questioned what was being addressed from a Human Re- <br /> sources or staff level beyond internal conflicts between union and non-union pay. <br /> Ms. Bacon advised that during the study and since the market had picked up, the <br /> City had experienced considerable turnover, noting that often that turnover was in <br /> its better performing employees. Ms. Bacon further advised that as Baby Boom- <br /> ers began to retire, it would also open up additional opportunities for employees, <br /> who may not choose to stay in Roseville if they could make 5-6% more else- <br /> where. If the City is unable to remain market competitive as a pay provide, Ms. <br /> Bacon expressed her concerns that it could not retain its valuable, experienced <br /> employees. Ms. Bacon further noted that already the applicant pool is not proving <br /> quite as good as in the past, with some "A" performers no longer applying for <br /> City positions. <br /> At the request of Councilmember Etten, Ms. Bacon confirmed that exit interviews <br /> with employees indicated that often they were leaving in part due to salary, while <br /> some were leaving for more challenging positions. <br /> At the request of Councilmember Laliberte, Ms. Antonsen advised that there were <br /> very few positions where the City was actually paying above the average; and <br /> even those positions remained fairly close to the market, but that the majority of <br /> the 42 positions were found below market. <br />
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