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Attachment A <br />EMM1,2013 <br />XTRACT OF THE INUTES OF THE AY <br />RPC <br />OSEVILLE LANNING OMMISSION <br />a.PROJECT FILE 0017 <br />Request by Roseville Planning Division to modify Section 1011.07 Height Exemption in all <br />Districts, to include industrial silos and other text changes (PROJ-0017) <br />Chair Gisselquist opened the Public Hearing for Project File 0017 at 9:03 p.m. <br />City Planner Paschke reviewed this requested ZONING TEXT AMENDMENT as detailed in <br />the staff report dated May 1, 2013, specific to industrial silos. <br />Discussion included the potential types of storage that could be accommodated by these silos <br />(e.g. liquid nitrogen, oxygen, or grain) with their intent typically to hold a product used in <br />process, while their design could be different in size or composition; reference to the exception <br />listed on page 2 of the report (lines 47-50); and anticipated exception of fuel storage tanks as <br />exempt, since they would be considered more like water towers and not fit this classification. <br />Mr. Paschke stated that, if the Commission chose to include fuel storage, he was unsure if he <br />would allow them in any district beyond where they were currently located. <br />Consensus of the Commission was that fuel storage tanks not be added. <br />Member Boguszewski referenced language on page 3 (lines 71-75) with Mr. Paschke clarifying <br />that this was intended to speak to new versus existing structures; and cited an example of an <br />existing tenant looking to expand in that industrial area, and concern that they would need to <br />proceed through some process. <br />Member Cunningham questioned if other industrial silos needed to be addressed as listed on <br />page 3 (line 92); with Mr. Paschke advising that the only structures that staff thought should be <br />added were those they thought should be exempt upon further review, and modifying the <br />language as suggested seemed to be the most appropriate way to do so. <br />Under the listed exemptions in Section 2.0, Item B (lines 93-96), Member Daire questioned the <br />process of adverse findings for adjacent properties, with Mr. Paschke advising that it would be <br />an administrative decision of the Community Development Department; and subject to those <br />decisions being appealable to the City Council as defined by City Code in several applications <br />and areas. <br />Chair Gisselquist clarified that the only modifications to this existing code language was <br />highlighted in red in the staff report. <br />Chair Gisselquist closed the Public Hearing at 9:12 p.m.; no one appeared for or against. <br />MOTION <br />Member Olsen moved, seconded by Member Gisselquist to recommend to the City <br />Council APPROVAL of the proposed TEXT AMENDMENT so Section 1011.07 Height <br />Exemptions in all Districts, as submitted by the Planning Division and detailed in Section <br />2 of the staff report dated May 1, 2013. <br />Ayes: 6 <br />Nays: 0 <br />Abstentions: 1 (Daire) <br />Motion carried. <br /> <br />