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REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION <br /> DATE: 5/20/2013 <br /> ITEM NO: 9.b <br />Department Approval City Manager Approval <br /> zoning text change <br />Item Description: Request by the Planning Division for approval of a to <br />Chapter 1006 of the City Code to eliminate the size limitation <br />unintentionally applied to motor vehicles that may be repaired in the <br />Industrial zoning district <br /> (PROJ-0017). <br />Application Review Details <br />Public hearing: May 1, 2013 <br />RCA prepared: May 15, 2013 <br />City Council action: May 20, 2013 <br />Statutory action deadline: n/a <br />Action taken on a zoning text change request <br />legislative in nature <br />is; the City has broad <br />discretion in making land use decisions based <br />on advancing the health, safety, and general <br />welfare of the community. <br />1.0RA <br />EQUESTEDCTION <br />Planning Division staff is requesting a to eliminate the inadvertent <br />ZONING TEXT CHANGE <br />limitation of the size of motor vehicles that may be repaired in the Industrial District. <br />2.0SR <br />UMMARY OF ECOMMENDATION <br />Planning Division staff concurs with the recommendation of the Planning Commission to <br />approve the proposed ; see Section 7 of this report for the detailed <br />ZONING TEXT CHANGE <br />recommendation. <br />3.0SSA <br />UMMARY OF UGGESTEDCTION <br />Pass an ordinance approving the proposed ; see Section 8 of this <br />ZONING TEXT CHANGE <br />. <br />report for the detailed action <br />PROJ0017_RCA_052013-Motor_Vehicle_Repair (2).doc <br />Page 1 of 2 <br /> <br />