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City Council Meeting Minutes
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6/11/2013 9:49:47 AM
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6/11/2013 9:49:40 AM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Thursday,May 16,2013 <br /> Page 2 <br /> vations prior to her City Council election of moving someone into an interim po- <br /> sition when they had been functioning well in their current position. Coun- <br /> cilmember McGehee cautioned that the potential was there that, if an internal <br /> candidate serving in an interim capacity was not chosen for the permanent posi- <br /> tion, they could decide to move on from the their current employment position <br /> with the City, or have negative feelings toward the City if not selected for the <br /> permanent position. Councilmember McGehee expressed her interest in any in- <br /> ternal candidates applying for the permanent position, but not necessarily for the <br /> interim position, based on that rationale. <br /> Councilmember Willmus advised that his original thought process was to look for <br /> a caretaker position for the interim, and stated that he had therefore spoken to City <br /> Department Heads who may be good candidates to fill that role. However, Coun- <br /> cilmember Willmus advised that one of those candidates had already informed <br /> him that they were not interested in the short- or long-term positions; and that an- <br /> other had a slight interest, but no burning desire regarding the position. Coun- <br /> cilmember Willmus opined that the City was in a good position with its current <br /> staff, and that he would not be concerned in looking to the current ranks for lead- <br /> ership for the interim and/or long-term position. Councilmember Willmus stated <br /> that he had no real concern in having someone serve in the interim capacity short- <br /> term, as well as being evaluated and included for long-term selection. While the <br /> incumbency factor could possibly give someone an edge as suggested by Coun- <br /> cilmember McGehee, Councilmember Willmus opined that it may not play out <br /> that way; and if an internal candidate was interested in the long-term position, he <br /> would not personally preclude them from his decision for their service as Interim <br /> City Manager. <br /> Councilmember Etten concurred with the comments of Councilmember Willmus, <br /> opining that the City had different needs from an Interim City Manager at this <br /> time versus its long-term hire, which for him would factor into how he chose a <br /> candidate now versus the more permanent position and the broader picture short- <br /> versus long-term. While it may turn out to be the same person, Councilmember <br /> Etten opined that he didn't want to limit his decision in having a strong candidate <br /> for the interim just because they might seek the permanent position. Coun- <br /> cilmember Etten stated that he didn't want to cause any harm to the City by not <br /> considering the best person at this time to guide the City in the interim; since he <br /> anticipated that the City Council would be developing a new set of criteria for the <br /> long-term City Manager staffing position. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte opined that there were several good candidates in-house <br /> for the permanent position; and opined that it would not do a disservice to the <br /> City if those candidates were taken out of the mix for the interim position. <br /> Councilmember McGehee opined that she was not aware of any in-house candi- <br /> dates aggressively seeking the permanent position; but would concur with Coun- <br />
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