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Roseville Planninc�ommision � Page 5 <br />December 3, 1986 <br />Goedeke asked Learning Tree if they were willing to absorb some <br />of the cost. Krause replied that they had not anticipated paying <br />any costs for construction of the private road. <br />DeBenedet asked whether P.U.D. approval was contingent on the <br />road construction. Dahlgren replied that it was unless Dr. House <br />asked for a modification of the P.U.D. Dahlgren replied that the <br />plat is currently in place, and the construction of the road is a <br />good idea for the area. He also replied that the P.U.D. does not <br />allow full turning access in and out of the Shelard site and <br />therefore the roadway, although not essential, greatly enhances <br />access. <br />DeBenedet stated that traffic safety is a real concern in this <br />area and that if the road is built, Learning Tree should utilize <br />the road for access. <br />Krause stated that the County had no problem with the utilization <br />of B-2 for access . <br />Moeller stated that the County was not informed of the private <br />road running to the east of the property and, therefore, might <br />have had a different opinion regarding the proposed access. <br />DeBenedet asked whether the driveway could be properly separated <br />on the site as it is proposed. Janisch replied it could be. <br />Dahlgren replied there is a possibility of having House build the <br />private road only as far as the Learning Tree entrance, and then <br />Learning Tree would utilize the private road on the east. <br />DeBenedet stated that if Learning Tree has a contingent purchase <br />agreement with Dr. House that they simply don't close until House <br />agreed to build the driveway. <br />Johnson replied it is her opinion that the applicant should meet <br />with Dr. House immediately and resolve this situation. <br />Janisch asked whether a two week delay would significantly impact <br />the project. Krause replied that it would create some problems. <br />Moeller asked if the sign had been moved to meet the City <br />requirements. Janisch replied that it has now been properly <br />placed. <br />Berry moved, Johnson seconded, that the Learning Tree request for <br />Special Use Permit at 181 County Road B-2 be approved with the <br />following conditions: <br />l. <br />2. <br />That the sandbox be removed from the City's drainage easement <br />area. <br />That the driveway be located to extend easterly to the <br />projected private street. <br />