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. � <br />• PROCESS AND TIMELINE <br />Due to the amount of time that the Advisory Group has dedicated to the discussion of outcomes <br />and recommendations, the process outlined at the beginrung of the study needs to be amended. <br />Jamie presented the following revised timeline: <br />• 4/12 Discussion of r�lternarives/Development of Recommendations <br />• <br />• <br />• 4/16 Status Report to City Council <br />• 4/19 Development of Recommendations <br />• 4/26 Review of Recommendations <br />• 4/30 Moratorium Ends <br />• 5/2 Presentarion of Recommendations at the Planning Commission <br />• 5/14 Presentarion of Recommendarions to the City Council <br />Darrel LeBarron suggested that Advisory Group ask the City Council if they �vanted to haee the <br />Advisory Group extend the process. They charged the group to provide them with <br />recommendations during the 90-day lot split moratorium. Based on this an alternarive �vas <br />developed. <br />• 4/12 Discussion of Alternarives/Development of Recommendations <br />Status Report to City Council <br />Development of Recommendarions <br />Presentation of Recommendations to City Council <br />• 4/16 <br />• 4/19 <br />• 4/23 <br />• 4/30 <br />Moxatorium Ends <br />Jamie asked if anyone on tlie Advisory Group would be willing to present the group's progress at <br />the Cit�� Council Study Session on April 16. No member specifically said that they would be willing <br />to be the presenter; however, several said they would attend the meeting. <br />LIST OF DRAFT RECOMMENDATIONS <br />Council establishes a variance process or simplified/streainline single-family residenrial PUD <br />process for subdivisions: <br />■ Considers clustered housing <br />■ Impervious surface <br />■ Natural resource preservarion (inc. trees, wedands, unique topography, and habitat) <br />■ Set backs <br />■ Lot size/dimensions <br />■ Coverage <br />Roads and Traffic <br />• Private roads are acceptable provided they meet city standards, including emergency vehicle <br />access and plowing, and property owners have established a mechanism for maintenance (see <br />legal) and not be gated or restrict traffic (tentative). <br />• Consider traffic impact on lot splits—recommend no change from current <br />regulations / s tandards. <br />Environment <br />April4 Meeting Szrmmary <br />Page 2 of 3 <br />