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Interim Use Permit
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--• <br />\Tarrative fc�r Ramsey Co��nty Interim Use Permit <br />�15 Larpenteur A�enue West <br />Attachment C <br />Interim Use Permit Request Nurpose and Background <br />Ramsey County cuT-rently has bet�veen ?0�0 and 2_500 tons of construction debris <br />stockpifed on County land at Kent Street and Larpenteur. Ramsey County discovered <br />construction rubble debris whe.n excavating the Snelling Avenue pond as part of the <br />Countv Road C reconstruction project. The pond site is located in the SE corner of <br />Snelling Avenue and County Road C. The puipose of the pond is to treat storm water <br />t-unoff prior to dischar�e into the adjacent wetland. Since construetion of the pond was a <br />critical part of completing the project, and property for the pond limited, upon <br />discovei-ing the consh�uclion debris, the County had no choice but to excavate the <br />material. The County believes that reusing the material by crtishing and nlixinQ it int�o <br />useful material is the most economical and earth friendly solution. � <br />The debris contains concrete, bituminous, rock, and some metal pieces. The size of the <br />material varies. The County desires to separate the metal from the debris and crush and <br />mix the remaininQ mate�ial to make a blended and graded aaQregate that could be reused <br />for road building�The other option would be t� haul it to a construction debris landfill <br />which is expensive due to the haulinQ and dumpin� fees. <br />Site Acti��ity Proposal <br />The Cotmty proposes to complete the crushing and mixin� as soon �s app►-ovals are <br />�ranted. The aoal will be to complete the work in late March, early ApiiL The �vork 4vi11 <br />take a total of one week of which 2 to 3 days will be the actual crushina. The remaining <br />time will be used to move in the portable material processing equipment, separate <br />materials and then to demobilize. Once processed, the mateiial will be hauled off site for <br />reuse and the metal sci-ap material ���ill be hauled to an appt-opriate disposal site. The site <br />�vill be restored to the prior condition. <br />The County will take measure to limit the dust and noise created by this activity. Since it <br />is proposed to do this March/Aptil, most residential homes will still have their windows <br />closed. The �uork would only take place during the normal �vork week �vith hours of <br />opei-ation limited be.h�-een 7am and 7pm, within the City's requircd times. Water will be <br />used to control dust durin� the operation. <br />
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