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3/20/2019 9:49:33 AM
Creation date
6/17/2013 3:12:47 PM
Planning Files
Planning Files - Planning File #
Planning Files - Type
Planned Unit Development
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� '� <br />9.8 Building Height and Design. Building(s) shall be architecturally designed to have the scale <br />and massing of the adjacent residential parcels to the south and east. The building height and <br />design of the new additions and remodeled existing structure shall be as shown on the <br />approved building elevations (Exhibit L). The maximum number of stories above grade for <br />any building on the site shall be two stories, or a maximum height of 20 feet. <br />9.9 Building Materials. Exterior building materials shall be as shown on the approved building <br />elevations (Exhibit L) and shall be face brick to match the existing building facade, <br />integrally colored rock faced masonry units, forest green metal soffit and fascia, and dark <br />green asphalt shingles. The color scheme for the building shall be reviewed and approved by <br />the Community Development Director prior to issuance of any building permits. <br />9.10 Building Facude Improvements. The exteriar of the building will include windows, access <br />doors and emergency access doors along all sides of the facade. <br />9.11 " Mechanical Equipment. HVAC equipment must be located on the roof or at ground level <br />(east) and fully screened from view of adjacent properties. <br />9.12 Mitigation of Impact on Adjacent Residential Uses. All roof top mechanical units shall be <br />screened from view. Outdoor and exterior storage or sales display shall be prohibited. No <br />accessory buildings shall be allowed on the site. <br />9.13 Ti•ash Ha�zdling. Trash handling shall be in accordance with Section 1010.11 of the City <br />Code, which requires trash collection areas to be within the building. Trash collection <br />activities shall be restricted to 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday. <br />9.14 Tr-ash/Recycling Contuiner. The trash/recycling container area shall be located on the north <br />side of the facility, facing west, fully enclosed, and adjacent the liquid nitrogen canister. <br />9.15 Off=Street Purking. Off-street parking areas shall be improved as shown on the approved site <br />development plan (Exhibit C), and shall include hard surfacing (bituminous), concrete <br />perimeter curbing, and a drainage plan. The site plan shall provide 26 off-street parking <br />stalls, including one handicapped stall. No semi tractor/ trailer, recreational vehicle, or trailer <br />parking (daytime or evening) shall be allowed on the site, except while delivering materials. <br />So long as the DEVELOPER maintains its use of the property as contemplated in this <br />agreement, the off-street parking areas constructed in accordance with the approved site <br />development plan shall be satisfactory to the CITY. <br />9.16 Louding Areas. Loading activities shall be restricted to 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. weekdays. <br />9.17 Signage. Ground-mounted signage shall be limited to a front yard setback of seven and one <br />half feet from the west property line and an offset from the south of the structure of eight <br />feet. The sign will be limited to a length of eight feet and a height of six feet nine and one <br />half inches. The total square footage of the ground-mounted sign shall not exceed 75 square <br />feet. The ground-mounted sign shall constructed of brick and include a four foot tall base. <br />Facade signage shall be limited to that allowed by Section 1009.08E, 7% or 150 square feet <br />per tenant. No other signage/banding shall be located on the canopy or building. (Exhibit I1, <br />I2 & J). <br />Page 7 of 10 <br />
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