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--.. <br />.-� <br />determined that the property can be put to a reasonable use under the official <br />controls if the VARIANCE request is approved. <br />5.4 The plight of the landowner is due to circumstances unique to the pronerty not <br />created bv the landowner: The City created, and necessarily maintains, the utility and <br />drainage easements on the property, so the presence of these easements is outside of the <br />control of the applicant. The Planning Division has determined that the plight of the <br />landowner is due to unique circumstances not created by the landowner. <br />5.5 The variance, if granted, will not alter the essential character of the localitv: A <br />private swimming pool will not have negative effects on the surrounding area provided <br />that it comply with all of the safety requirements established in §905.03 of the City Code. <br />The Planning Division has determined that the allowance of the requested <br />VARIANCE will not alter the essential character of the locality, nor adversely affect <br />the public health, safety, or general welfare of the city or adjacent properties. <br />5.6 The applicant also proposes to construct decking around the pool. Decks are considered <br />legal encroachments by § 1012.02 of the City Code, provided that the floor of the deck <br />does not extend above the height of the main floor level of the principal structure and that <br />the deck remain at least 2 feet from the side and rear property lines. <br />5.7 The oblique site photo (Attachment D) indicates that the residence (i.e., the principal <br />structure) on this property is a split-level house. Given that the upper level in such houses <br />are 4 to 5 feet above grade and tend to be the "main floor", construction of a deck around <br />a 4-to-5-foot-deep above-ground pool would be consistent with this Code requirement, <br />provided that the decking not extend to within 2 feet of the side and rear property lines. <br />5.8 Decks and gazebos are not permitted within utility easements without a signed <br />"encroachment agreement". The existing attached deck and gazebo appear to have been <br />constructed within the sanitary sewer easement, but the Public Works Department has no <br />such document on file. City staff believes that it would be reasonable to allow the pool <br />decking to be built over, and have footings within, the utility easement if the applicant <br />were to enter into an encroachment agreement. <br />6.0 STAFF RECOMMENDATION <br />6.1 Based on the comments and findings outlined in Section 5 of this report, the Planning <br />Division recommends APPROVAL of Mr. Escobar request for a 5-foot VARIANCE to <br />the required swimming pool setback from a side and rear property line, established in <br />§905.03A (Swimming Pool Location) of the City Code, to allow the proposed above- <br />ground pool on the residential property at 175 Burke Avenue, subject to the following <br />conditions: <br />a. The proposed pool must remain at least 5 feet from the eastern and southern <br />property lines and outside of the existing sanitary sewer easement on the property; <br />PF07-043 RVBA 080107 <br />Page 3 of 4 <br />
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