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I Quality F�omes, Additi�s, and Garages www,.su�idunaers.c+�rtr° j <br />�IC NOtI <br />Bonds will be issuetl ro refund the Gitys <br />Housing Facililies Revenue Retunding <br />Bands, Series 1998 (College Properties, <br />Inc. Projecq (the "Series 1998 Bonds") <br />and pay costs of issuance. The proceeds <br />ofthe Series 1998 Bonds were used to <br />advance retund the Ciry's ou[standing <br />Housing Facili[ies Revenue Bonds, <br />Series 1993 (College Properties, Inc. <br />Project) and to finance a portion ot Ihe <br />acquisilion and construction of a 36-uni[ <br />multifamily housing faciliry for occupancy <br />by persons with Alzheimer's tliagnosis <br />(ihe "PmjecY'). The faciliry is locatetl at <br />2925-45 Lincroln Dnve North in the City. <br />The mvcimum aggregate estimated <br />pnncipal amount of the Bonds or other <br />obligations to be issued is $25,000,000. <br />The project is owned by EagleCrest <br />Senior Housing, LLC, a Minnesota limited <br />liabiliry company, .the sole member ot <br />which is PHS/EagleCrest, Inc., a <br />Minneso[a non-profit corpora[ion (the <br />"Barrower"). <br />The Bonds, as and when issued, will not <br />constRUte a charge, lien or ancum�rance <br />upon any properry of ihe Ciry except the <br />Pmject antl the revenues to be derivetl <br />from the Projecl. The eonds will not be a <br />charge against the City's general credit or <br />taxing powers but are payable imm sums <br />to be paid by the Bortower pursuant m a <br />revenue agreement. <br />At ihe time and place fixed for ihe Pu01ic <br />Hearing, Me City Council wili give all <br />persons who appear at the hearing an <br />apportunity to express their views with <br />respect to the proposal. In addition, <br />interested persons may file written <br />wmments respecting Me proposal with <br />Me Cdy, at or prior to saitl public hearing. <br />(ROSeville Review: May 22, 2007) <br />NOTICE OF PUBLIC FiEARING <br />ON A PROPOSAL <br />FOR ISSUANCE OF <br />MULTIFAMILY RENTAL HOUSING <br />REVENUE BONDS <br />(CENTENNIAL GARDENS <br />PROJEC� <br />Notice Is hereby given ihat ihe Ciry <br />Council of [he City of Roseville, <br />Minnesota (the "Cdy"), will meei at the <br />Ciry Hall, 2660 Civic Center Drive, in the <br />Ciry, at 6�00 p.m. on Montlay, June 11. <br />2007, to consider the proposal of <br />Gartlens East Limited Partnership, a <br />Minnesota limited partnership (the <br />"Developer"), that the Ciry undertake a <br />housing program to finance a project <br />hereinaRer described by the issuance ot <br />revenue bonds of the Ciry pursuant to <br />Minnesota Statutas. Chapter 462C, as <br />ame�ded. <br />The project consists of the acquisition, <br />renovation and equipping of two 95-unit <br />ren�al housing facilities br low antl <br />moderate income tenants loca[ed at 1420 <br />Centenniai Drive and 2825 North Pascal <br />Street in the Ctty (lhe "ProjecP'). � The <br />Project will be ownetl and operaled by <br />the Developer (the "eorrowe�'). <br />The estimated principal amount of <br />Revenue eonds to be issued in one or <br />more series to finance the Prqect is <br />$12,500,000. <br />The Fevenue 8onds or other obligations <br />if and when issued will not constiNte a <br />charge, lien or encumbrance upon any <br />property of the Ciry ezcept the project <br />and ihe revenues to 6e derived from ihe <br />Project, and such Revenue Bonds or <br />obligations will not be a charge against <br />the Ciry's general credit o� tazing powers <br />but will be payable fmm sums to be paid <br />by the Bonower pursuant to a revenue <br />agreement. <br />A copy o� the housing program will be on <br />tile with the Manager al lhe City Hall <br />Monday through Fnday untilthe date ot <br />Me Public Heanng. At the time and place <br />fxed tor ihe Public Hearing, the Ciry <br />Council of Ne Ciry will give all persons <br />who appear at Ihe hearing an opportuniry <br />to express Iheir views with respect to the <br />proposal. In addition, interested persons <br />may file writlen comments respecting the <br />proposal with �he Manager at or prior to <br />such public hearing. <br />(ROSaville Review: May 22, 2007) <br />PUBLIC NOTICE OF HEARING <br />ON THE PROPOSED 2007-2008 <br />GENERALFUND <br />EXPENDITURES FOR <br />INDEPENDENT SCHOOL <br />DISTRICT N0. 623 <br />ROSEVILLE AREA SCHOOLS <br />ROSEVILLE MN 55113-3299 <br />Notice is hereby given of a public <br />hearing to discuss the General Fund <br />Expenditures for INDEPENOENT <br />SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 623, Roseville <br />Area Schools. All concerned citizens are <br />invitetl to attend this pu6lic hearing and, if <br />lhey so tlesire, will be given an <br />opportunity to speak. The hearing will <br />review the uu of District funds for the <br />day4o-day operation of Roseville Area � <br />Schools. The hearing will be he10 at the: <br />Roseville Area Schools <br />District Center <br />1251 County Road B2 West <br />Roseville, MN <br />on Thuraday, May 24, 2007 <br />at <br />7:00 o'clock p.m. <br />(ROSeville Review�. May 22. 2007) <br />FLOOR AGENDA <br />LITTLE CANADA qTY COUNCIL <br />WEDNESDAY, MAY 23, 2007 <br />CALL TO ORDER - Regular Meeting - <br />7:30 p.m. <br />Roll Call <br />Approval of Minutes <br />Announcements <br />PUBLIC HEARINGS <br />1. Conditional Use Permit to constmct <br />a detached garage consisting of <br />appmximately 1,500 square �eet - 3046 <br />Greenbrier Streei - Ray Richardson <br />2. Contlltional Use Permit to conshuct <br />a detached garage consisting of 280 <br />square feet, in adtlition ro the existing <br />attached garage,fortotalgarage area oi <br />809 square feet- 2930 Edgerton Street - <br />H. Lloytl Johnson <br />3. Hom Furniture - 3201 Counry Dme <br />Tezt Amendment allowing fwniture <br />retail antl other retail uses compatible <br />with furniNre sales in the B-W District; <br />Contlttional Use Permft for proof of <br />parking; <br />Conditianal llse Permit for a <br />Comprehensive Sign Plan. <br />4. Planned Un0 Development PermH <br />[o construct a display gazebo and a <br />second accessory garage sirudure - <br />2905 Coun[ry Drive - Temo Sunmoms 8 <br />EMeriors <br />CONSEN7AGENDA <br />S.Approvalofthe Vouchers <br />6. Renewal of 2007 Liquor and Tobacco <br />Licenses <br />7. Approval 012006 Fund Transiers <br />e. Approval of Amandment to Code <br />relative to Mechanical Contractor <br />Licensing <br />9. Approval of Revised Agreament tor <br />Cold-In-Place Recycling on Vlting Dnve <br />10. Approval of Quotes �or Crack Filling <br />Work on CRy Streats <br />11. Renewal of Little Cenatla Fire <br />Department Gambling License <br />STAFF & CONSULTANT REPONTS <br />Ciry Attomey <br />Ciry Planner <br />Ciry Administrator <br />12. Demalition Bids - Viking Drive <br />Realignment Project <br />DEPAR7MENT REPORTS <br />Economic DevelopmenVCiry Council <br />Public Safery/Gaming <br />Public Works <br />Building2oning/Code Enforcement <br />Parks 8 Recreation <br />Adjoum <br />(Roseville Review: May 22, 2007) <br />CITY OF ROSEVILLE <br />� PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE <br />Notice is hereby given that the <br />ROSEVILLE PLANNING COMMISSION <br />will hold its regular meeting in fhe Ctty <br />Council Chambers et CHy Hall, 26fi0 <br />Civic Center Drive, on Wednestley, Ju� <br />6, 2007 et 6:30 p.m. to cronsider Me <br />following public hearings: <br />PLANNING FILE 07-006� Request by <br />United Properlies, in cooperation with <br />Frieda Schultz family (the property <br />owneq for approval of a PRELIMINARY <br />PLAT, REZONING and GENERAL <br />CONCEP7 PLANNED UNIT <br />DEVELOPMENT for a resitlential <br />davelopment prol�t on the 62 acres at <br />3008 and 3010 Clevelantl Avenue. The <br />legal descripiions tor these propedies are <br />on file with the Communiry Development <br />Department. <br />QLANNING FILE 07-021• Request by <br />Cent VenNres and Amwest Davelopmen[ <br />LLC, in cooperation with Xtra Lease Inc. <br />(Ihe property owner) for approval of a <br />PRELIMINARV PIAT, REZONING, antl <br />GENERAL CONCEP7 PLANNED UNR <br />DEVELOPMENT for a hotel/rastaurent <br />projed at 2700 Cleveland Avenue. This <br />pmperty is described as: <br />Twin View Lots 4, 5, 16 8 17, Bik B, <br />subj to rd antl esmis <br />PIN: 04-29-23-33-0002 <br />PLeNNING FILE 07�Zq; Request by <br />Robert DeLeo for an INTERIM USE <br />PERMI7 to allow ihe temporary use of a <br />motor home as living quarte�s tlunng Me <br />consWCtion of a new resitlence at 280 <br />Minnesota Avenue. This property is <br />descnbed as: <br />Mic�el's rmnengement of Lots 9-16, <br />inc. Macku6ln & Iglehart AddNion ol <br />Out Lots T, subj to esmts the W 7001t <br />ofN227f1ofE12ofW12ofLot4 <br />PIN: 12-29-23-43-0003 <br />PLeNNING �FILE 07�026 Requast by <br />Rosedale Commons LP tor a <br />CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT to allow <br />the inclusion of a full-servica PetSmart <br />store in the s�opping center iocated at <br />2480 Fairview Avenue. This property is <br />desctlbed as: <br />Lot 1 Blk 1, Rosaville Squere <br />PIN: 032323-13•0033 <br />pLANNING FILE 3692: Contlnuation of <br />Roseville Comprehensive Plan Update <br />Process for 2007 and 2008, Mehopolitan <br />Council System Slatement Issues. This <br />planning file � has been re-named <br />PpQ1ECT FILE 0007. <br />(Roseville Review: May 22, 2007) <br />CITY OF ROSEVILLE <br />PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE <br />Notice Is hera6y given ihat the <br />HOSEVILLE VARIANCE BOARO will <br />hold a regular meeting in the CITy <br />Councll Chem6era at qty Hell, 2660 <br />Civic Center Drive, on Wetlnesdey, June <br />6, 2007 at 5:30 p.m. to consider Me <br />following puhlic hearings: <br />pLANNING FlLE 07-025� RequeSt by <br />Ron and Susan Hombaker, 2994 Aldine <br />Street for VARIANCES to $1012 <br />(Generel Requlrementa) to allow a <br />fence greater than 6.5 feet tall on a <br />residenlial lot and a fence greater than 4 <br />feet tall in ihe front yard. This property is <br />legally described as: <br />Feirview His PIffi 3, Lot 12, Blk 6 <br />PIN: 042)23-14-0016 <br />How to particlpate or get tha Aeelslon <br />of the Variance BoeM: <br />1. Review Me Staff Fieport (available <br />6/1/2007) aC <br />w•^• c roseNlle mn ��cn n"INarian <br />2. Email or call Bryan Lloyd, Associate <br />Ciry Planner, at <br />bryan Iloyd c roseville mn us or (651) <br />792-7073 prior to the heanng. Mail a <br />letler or tax R to (651) 792-7070. <br />3. Attend the Puhiic Hearing and <br />address Ihe Variance Board, or view it on <br />Cable Channel 76. <br />4. Roseville properry owners may <br />appe�l t�e Vanance Board decision by <br />delivering a written appeal to Me Cfty <br />Manager's Office in City Hall, 2660 Civic <br />Center Orive, no later than NOON on <br />6/78/2007. <br />(ROSeville Review: May 22, 2007) <br />Need <br />Ca$h <br />Sell unwantetl items <br />in a Low Cost Want Atl <br />Call: Want Ads <br />65 y -748-7888 <br />