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4.0 BACKGROUND <br />4.1 Ms. Mueller owns the residential property at 407 North McCarrons Boulevard. The <br />property has a Comprehensive Plan designation of Low-Density Residential (LR) and a <br />zoning classification of Single-Family Residence District (R-1). <br />4.2 The variance request is prompted by the applicant's desire to construct an attached <br />garage on a property that is bounded by public right-of-way on three sides. <br />5.0 STAFF COMMENT <br />5.1 Section 1004.016 (Residential Setbacks) of the City Code requires that principal <br />structures observe a 30-foot setback from rear property lines and side property lines that <br />are adjacent to public street rights-of-way. <br />5.2 Section 1004.O1A5 (Overall Area) further limits the size of accessory buildings by <br />stating that the combined floor area "of attached garage and detached accessory <br />building(s) shall not exceed the exterior dimensional footprint of the principal structure, <br />excluding any attached garage footprint." The existing accessory building plus the <br />proposed attached garage adds up to about 910 square feet, whereas the residential <br />footprint of the principal structure (not counting the attached garage) is about 1,130 <br />square feet. <br />5.3 The area of the subject property is approximately 10,160 square feet; §1004.O1A6 <br />(Maximum Total Surface Area) of the City Code permits up to 3,050 square feet of <br />impervious coverage on a lot this size. Existing impervious surfaces cover about 2,685 <br />square feet. The proposed attached garage and new driveway would increase the total <br />impervious coverage to about 3,485 square feet, but the existing driveway to the detached <br />garage would be removed, bringing the net coverage to (29.5% of the overall lot area). <br />5.4 Section 1004.O1A13 (Driveway Required) requires that any accessory structure large <br />enough to accommodate one or more vehicles be provided with a paved driveway that <br />has access to a public street; if a detached building is to be used for yard equipment, <br />collector cars, or other seasonally-used vehicles instead of daily-use vehicles, however, <br />no driveway is required. If the driveway to the existing detached garage is to be removed, <br />that structure may no longer be used for parking daily-use vehicles. <br />5.5 The easternmost corner of the existing house is only about 14 feet from the front property <br />line adjacent to North McCarrons Boulevard, and the proposed garage addition would <br />achieve this same setback. Although § 1004.016 (Residential Setbacks) of the City Code <br />requires a 30-foot setback, § 1011.02A (Existing Nonconforming Structures) allows the <br />expansion of nonconforming residential structures provided that the nonconformity itself <br />is not increased. This allows the house on the subject property to be expanded as long as <br />the setback from the front property line is not reduced to less than 14 feet. Planning <br />Division staff recommends resolving this existing nonconforming condition by including <br />it in the variance. <br />5.6 Section 1013 of the Code states: "Where there are practical difficulties or unusual <br />hardships in the way of carrying out the strict letter of the provisions of this code, the <br />Variance Board shall have the power, in a specific case and after notice and public <br />hearings, to vary any such provision in harmony with the general purpose and intent <br />PF07-056 RVBA 100307 <br />� -� Page 2 of 4 <br />
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