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Zoning Text Amendment
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1 <br />2 <br />3 <br />4 <br />-� -1 <br />PLANNING FILE 07-063 <br />Request by Faegre and Benson (on behalf of PetSmart) for a ZONING TEXT AMENDMENT relating <br />to pet boarding and CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AMENDMENT allowing pet boarding. <br />Chair Bakeman opened the Public Hearing for Planning File 07-063. <br />5 Mr. Paschke reviewed the request of Faegre and Benson, on behalf of PetSmart, seeking approval of a <br />6 TEXT AMENDMENT to Sections 1002 and 1005 of Roseville City Code, pertaining to dog kennels and <br />7 boarding of animals; and an AMENDMENT to PetSmart's CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (CUP) to allow <br />8 the boarding of cats and dogs at their proposed site in Rosedale Commons, 2480 Fairview Avenue. <br />9 Mr. Paschke reviewed the text amendment requested, specific to dog kennels and how the City should <br />10 regulate them, along with provisions for doggie day camp or daycare, or boarding of cats and dogs. Mr. <br />11 Paschke noted that this site was the former CompUSA site, and had been heard at the Planning <br />12 Commission level several months ago, with there being a lack of clarity by the Community Development <br />13 Department of the nature and magnitude of the original request. Mr. Paschke noted that since that <br />14 original request, the City Planner and City Attorney had worked with legal counsel representatives of <br />15 Faegre and Benson; with the outcome represented in this request for text amendment defining "Dog <br />16 Kennel" and Conditional Use Permit application and accessory use provisions. Mr. Paschke clarified <br />17 that the Text Amendment was sought for Section 1002 (Definitions) pertaining to Dog Kennels and <br />18 Section 1005 (Use Table) allowing pet boarding as an accessory use in a Pet and Pet Supply Store; and <br />19 that the applicant further seeks amendment to their previously-approved CUP to support the boarding of <br />20 up to 108 dogs, 15 cats and a doggie day camp/daycare facility capable of accommodating up to 70 <br />21 dogs. <br />22 Mr. Paschke advised that staff recommended approval of a ZONING TEXT AMENDMENT to Section <br />23 1002 and 1005 of the Roseville City Code; and an AMENDMENT to the PetSmart CONDITIONAL USE <br />24 PERMIT to allow the pet boarding and doggie daycare within the PetSmart facility at Rosedale Commons <br />25 Shopping Center, 2480 Fairview Avenue; based on the findings outlined in Section 6, and the conditions <br />26 detailed in Section 7 of the project report dated December 5, 2007. <br />27 Mr. Paschke advised that staff had originally been concerned with potential noise issues; however, after <br />28 discussion, and understanding the proposed construction and current code and ordinance enforcement <br />29 with this use, staff was confident that there would be no impact on the adjacent residential area to the <br />30 north of this site. <br />31 <br />32 <br />33 <br />34 <br />35 <br />36 <br />Mr. Paschke requested several modifications since preparation of the staff report: <br />Condition A: where language indicates "dogs/cats," it would represent 108 dog KENNELS and 15 cat <br />KENNELS; <br />Condition C: delivery of animals for boarding — allowances were requested for drop off at 7:00 a.m.; with <br />the City Attorney expressing no concerns, making it commensurate with the operation of the facility, and <br />to accommodate work hours of those dropping off and picking up their pets. <br />37 Discussion included anticipated days and hours of operation; clarification of the number of total pets; the <br />38 separate and distinct use of this application; state licensing requirements versus City Code requirements <br />39 and provisions; and percentage of the facility to be used for boarding purposes. <br />40 Applicant, Carol Lansing, Faegre and Benson, 90 S 7`" Street, Mpls., MN <br />41 Troy Creasy (11306 Ibis Street NW, Coon Rapids, MN), Maple Grove PetSmart Store Laurie Buth, <br />42 Maple Grove PetSmart Store <br />43 Ms. Lansing noted the concept and existence of three (3) other PetSmart stores currently approved with <br />44 pet hotels. Ms. Lansing noted that the entire Roseville store was 25,000 square feet, with the pet hotel <br />45 area (kennels and doggie day care) representing 20% of the store area, and the smallest proposed in the <br />46 Twin Cities to-date, with other utilizing approximately 25% of the entire area for the pet hotel area. Ms. <br />47 Lansing reviewed specifics of the proposed use, areas designate entry, main store, double-door features <br />48 into the kennel area, distancing of the dog and cat kennels for the comfort of the pets, play areas, suites, <br />49 and training areas, as well as a"time out" area. Ms. Lansing further reviewed pet waste areas and <br />50 disposal, utility areas, and grooming areas. Ms. Lansing reviewed limits for overnight boarding and <br />
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