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1005.07: MIXED USE BUSINESS DISTRICT: <br />.r...,+:..,� . <br />CHAPTER 1011, NON-CONFORMING USE: <br />1011.02: EXISTING STRUCTURES OR USES: <br />A. A pre-existing nonconforming use or structure may be continued �u�-n;ay-neE-be <br />, - , � , . induding <br />throu�h repair, replacement, restoration, maintenance, or improvement. A pre- <br />existin� structure or use mav not be exaanded unless: . <br />Residential Dist�rict (R-1/R-2) Exceptions: <br />An expansion of a pre-existing residential principal or accessory structure in an R-1 or <br />R-2 zoning district, including shm�eland and wetland overlav district properties, <br />which maintains the same property line setbacks and structure separations provided <br />there is no further encroachment of any nonconforming structural dimension or <br />increase in the nonconformity or a chanee in use of the ]and. <br />2. Expansion of a pre-existin2 non-conforming structure is permitted, if said <br />expansion does not encroach further into the alreadv established non-conformina <br />setback. Said expansion shall meet all other reauirements of this Title. <br />3. Expansion shall permit the addition of a second storv. <br />All Districts Excepfion: <br />1. A pre-existing principal or accessory shucture, including expansion thereof, in which a <br />property line setback dimension has been made substandard by eminent domain or <br />other formal public agency action. Such a structure shall be considered a legally <br />conforming structure. All future additions to the structure or use shall meet the current <br />required setback from the revised property or easement line. (Ord. 881, 6-1-81) (Ord. <br />1302, 2-9-2004) <br />1011.03: DAMAGED NONCONFORMING STRUCTURE: <br />Any nonconforming use that is damased to an extent less than 50 percent of its <br />market value mav be reconstruMed subiect to the terms herein. Any non- <br />eonformin2�«....,...._� .............a .,. ,. ,,..a,.... ,.e..,..... ,, ati,.., r.�.. .. ... �enoi � ,.r <br />:... _ _,.a .....:.... ...... ti...:_,. a,.,.,, „ ...�,.�:,... .. ,..ti..............�., use or structure that <br />. , , . <br />is destroYed bv �re or other peril to the extent oT greater than 50 percent of its <br />market value may be reconstructed and used as before if such reconstruction is <br />completed but onlv if a buildin� permit l�as been applied for within 180 davs <br />from when the propertY was damaged �°�''��° °°'�` ���`'�° �F•'�° �°°,.°,'., 7°•'�° <br />0 <br />PROJOOl4_RPCA_060408.doc Page 5 of 6 <br />^ ^� <br />