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Attachment D <br />February 4, ?008 <br />City 4f Roseville <br />Community I?evelopment <br />2660 Civic Center Drive <br />Roseville, MN. 55113 <br />RE: Bette Jo & Jim Johnson-Variance Applicatian <br />Response question 7 b. <br />VVhen Marion Street was widened in front of our house in the late 1990's it created a <br />majar problem with our driveway because it was made much steeper. Our complaints at <br />that time brought some attention to the problem but no permanent resolution. The City <br />brought over fill but it didn't change rnuch. We have struggled with trying to get out of <br />our driveway in the winter and have gotten stuck on numerous occasions. We have even <br />slipped and fallen trying to �o up and get our mail after a snow or ice storm. To further <br />complicate this, when we leave our car on the street in bad weather, it is very challenging <br />to ao down or come back up the driveway. <br />Bette Jo was in a recent car accident and as a result was classified with a minor disability. <br />She was told that excess up and down of stairs would accelerate her problems which <br />would result in a total knee replacement. Additianally, we are soon taking in our elderly <br />mother whom is in a walker and caiulot go up and down stairs. This is what has <br />prevented us from taking her in sooner and confirmed our decision that we had to move <br />our tuck under garage use over to the other side (north) of the house and build a new <br />garage so we could have direct access into the house without going up the stairs from the <br />basement. We also recognize the fact that we will be getting a larger van for handicap <br />transfer in the fufure and it would not fit into our current tuck under garage nor would we <br />be able to get up the driveway on snowy days. <br />Trying to focus our living on one floor and adding our mother has created a need for <br />more Iiving space on the first floor. We redesigned our initial double car garage plans to <br />only be a single car garage with a wider driveway to accommodate another car outside <br />and gain first flaor access. We have also designed some additional Iiving space in the <br />back of tlze house as well. <br />The fact that our large lot has a property Iine set back of 17 feet on ane side and 20 feet <br />on the other and our much needed wider driveway has contributed to our design <br />exceeding lot coverage requirements. <br />i'�, '� <br />