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�ea 7.0 <br />109 7.1 <br />110 <br />111 <br />112 <br />113 <br />114 <br />115 <br />116 <br />117 $.0 <br />118 g.l <br />119 <br />120 <br />PUBLIC HEARING <br />No one from the public spoke at the public hearing held on June 4, 2008. Prior to the <br />public hearing, one nearby property owner offered support for the proposal and another <br />expressed some concern over potential conflicts between the proposed xECO�vtBtNATtoN <br />and private covenants that apply to the property. While private covenants have no bearing <br />on a City Council approval or denial of a land use application, these particular covenants <br />proved to be unrelated to the requested Nt[tvott suB�iv[sioN; instead the covenants are <br />limited to the nature and quality of the structures that may be erected on the property. <br />The property owner who brought the covenants to light does not oppose the proposal. <br />RECOMMENDATION <br />After soliciting input at the public hearing held for this application on June 4, 2008 the <br />Planning Commission voted 6-0 to recommend approval of the requested vAR►AtvcE and <br />the pTOpOSed RECOMBINATION M[NOR SUBD[V[SION. <br />� 2 � 8.2 The Planning Division concurs with the recommendation of the Planning Commission to <br />� 22 APPxovE the requested vA[ttANCE to § 1103.06F (Side Lot Lines) of the City Code and the <br />123 requested RECOMB[NATION at 2045 Loren Road, based on the comments and findings <br />� 2a outlined in Sections 5, 6, and 7 of this report and subject to the following conditions: <br />125 <br />126 <br />127 <br />a. Pursuant to § 1013.03 (Time Limitation) of the City Code, the variance shall expire 6 <br />months from the date of the approval if the minor subdivision has not been submitted <br />by the applicant for recording at Ramsey County as described below; <br />� 28 b. Within 30 days of the date of City Council approval, quit claim deeds, a final <br />� 2s certificate of survey, and new legal descriptions consistent with the proposed <br />� 3o recombination minor subdivision reviewed with this application in Attachment E <br />131 shall be submitted to the Community Development Director for final review, pursuant <br />� 32 to § 1104.04B of the City Code; and <br />133 c. Within 60 days of the review and approval of the quit claim deeds, final certificate of <br />134 survey, and new legal descriptions by the Community Development Director and City <br />� 35 Manager, the applicant shall submit the signed documents to Ramsey County for <br />13� recording, pursuant to § 1104.04B of the City Code. <br />137 9.0 SUGGESTED ACTION <br />� s$ 9.1 Adopt a resolution approving a vA[uaNCE to Section 1103 of the City Code to allow <br />139 the proposed non-radial realignment of the existing lot line common to Loren Acres No. <br />�ao 1 Lots 3 and 4, Block 1, based on the comments and findings of Section 6 and condition <br />141 "a" of Section 7 of the project report dated June 16, 2008. A draft resolution is included <br />142 with this report as Attachment H. <br />143 9.2 Pass a motion approving a RECOMBINATION MINOR SUBDIV[S[ON of the property at <br />144 2045 Loren Road based on the comments and findings of Section 5 and conditions "b" <br />� a� and "c" of Section 7 of the project report dated June 16, 2008. <br />Prepared by: Bryan Uoyd B: Aerial C: Site photos <br />Attachments: A: Area map photo D: Applicant narrative <br />PF08-019 RCA 061608.doc <br />Page 4 of 5 <br />� <br />-� <br />