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SPECIAL DIET STATEMENT <br />Information requested on this form must be thoroughly completed and signed by a licensed physician or <br />recognized medical authority and then submitted to the school/center/site before any meal modifications <br />will be made in the United States Department of Agriculture Child Nutrition Programs. This form must be <br />updated whenever the participanYs diagnosis or special diet changes. Special diet requests will be <br />evaluated on a case-by-case basis. <br />For a participant with a disability that restricts diet: Requests for a special diet must be supported by a statement <br />of the disability and a diet order signed by a licensed physician. A school/center/site must comply with requests for <br />special meals, food substitutions and/or any adaptive equipment. However, the school/center/site reserves the right <br />to negotiate special food requests with the physician if product availability is a concern. <br />For a participant without a disability who is medically certified as having a special dietary need: Requests for a <br />special diet must be supported by a diet order signed by a recognized medical authority (licensed physician, <br />physician's assistant, certified nurse practitioner, registered dietitian, licensed nutritionist or chiropractor). A <br />school/center/site is encouraged to accommodate reasonable requests but is not required to do so. <br />ParticipanYs Name: Last / First / Middle Initial <br />Name of School/Center/Site Attended: <br />ParenUGuardian Name: <br />Parent /Guardian Address: <br />City: <br />Home Phone Number: <br />Meals or snacks to be eaten at school/centerlsite: ci <br />School: Center / Child Care: <br />Breakfast Lunch Breakfast Lunch Supper <br />Afterschool Care Program (snack) am / pm / eve Snack Afterschool Snack <br />ParenUGuardian Signature: <br />OR ParticipanYs Signature (Adult Day Care) <br />State: <br />Today's Date: <br />Date of Birth: <br />Work Phone Number: <br />Zip code: <br />all that apply) <br />Site—Summer Food Service Program: <br />Breakfast Lunch Supper Snack <br />Date: <br />NOTE to ParenUGuardian/Participant: In order to authorize the licensed physician to discuss or clarify this Special Diet <br />Statement (if necessary) with the director of the school/center/site, you must also complete and sign the Voluntary Authorization <br />Section at the end of this form. <br />❑ Participant has a disability and requires a special meal or food accommodation. A licensed physician must complete <br />Questions 1-3 (below), Part 3 and Part 4 of this form before signing and dating this statement. <br />Physician - please refer to the companion document titled Meal Substitutions and Modifications for definitions of <br />"disability" and "major life activities." <br />1. If participant has a disability, describe the disability: <br />2. What are the "major life activities" affected by the disability? <br />3. Describe how the disability restricts the participanYs diet: <br />+�. —� <br />e.g., Celiac Disease) <br />