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� <br />(RV) <br />Public Notices <br />should be <br />�ack � <br />ID <br />cated time <br />pened. Bid <br />�e made in <br />�ecification <br />me�� r��+. <br />: shall be <br />ince with <br />'94 Track <br />ents have <br />, Wacker, <br />IB for your <br />mstmction <br />serves [he <br />at any or all <br />alities or <br />!009) <br />IGMTS <br />�TICE <br />the Falcon <br />its regular <br />= 10, 2009, <br />ibers, 2077 <br />Id a puhlic <br />ions of [he <br />II Municipal <br />S4) Permit. <br />istln Mlller <br />ntOr/Clerk <br />2, 19. 26. <br />9 behveen <br />fy 1914 W <br />55713. Car <br />�able. 2003 <br />SS, VinR <br />arges Due <br />26, June 2, <br />NADA <br />874 <br />OTING <br />LfTTLE <br />IOWN AS <br />ELATING <br />CENSING <br />'.. Pursuam <br />m 412.197. <br />rdinence, a <br />tl. While a <br />is available <br />of the CiTy <br />mmary is <br />:il and shall <br />�lishing the <br />iance is to <br />ive rental <br />al tlwellings <br />II owners of <br />i unil shall <br />obtain an annual license in ortler to rent <br />any p�opeM, J+hether it is a single Iamiiy <br />home, duplez, apartment building or a <br />boarding house. The application <br />process inciudes submitting prool of a <br />satistactory inspection pedormed by a <br />Housing Evaluator w%hin the previous <br />48 months and provitling contact <br />intormation tor the owner and property <br />manager. Tha license must be disDlayed <br />on tha property. The ordinance sets torih <br />properry maintenance stantlartls and <br />wdes of conduct with whlch the owner <br />must comply. If ihe owner violates the <br />ordinance, the owner may be penalizetl <br />pursuant to an administrative fine <br />sc�edule ihat is establishetl in ihe <br />ortlinance. If the owner participates in <br />responsible landlord practices, however, <br />ihe tine may be retlucetl. If the owner <br />continues to violate the ordinance, the <br />owner's license may be suspended or <br />revoketl. Tenams will be notitied if the <br />owner tloes not have a license. <br />Eflective Date'. This ordinance shall be <br />eflective immediatety upon its passage <br />and publication. <br />ADOPTED by ihe Ciry Council oi Lmle <br />Canada this 13th tlay oi May, 2009. <br />CITY OF LITTLE CANADA <br />BV: WIIIiam Blexner, Mayor <br />ATTEST. <br />BY: Joel R. Hanson, Ciry Administrator <br />Ayes - 4 <br />Nays - 0 <br />(ROSeville Review: May 79, 2009) <br />CITY OF LITTLE CANADA <br />ORDINANCE NO. 675 <br />AN OflDINANCE CREATING <br />CHAP7ER 800 OF THE LI7TlE <br />CANADA CITV CODE, KNOWN AS <br />THE MUNICIPAL COOE, <br />ESTABLISHING A GENERAL <br />PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE FOR <br />THE LICENSING OF BUSINESSES <br />WITHIN THE CITV. <br />SUMMARV PUBLICATION. Pursuant <br />to Minnesota Statutes Seclion 412.191, <br />in the case ot a lengthy ordinance, a <br />summary may be published. While a <br />copy of the entire ortlinance is availabla <br />without cost at t�e office of the Ciry <br />Clerk, ihe fo�lowing summary is <br />approved by the Ciry Council and shall <br />be pubtished in lieu of publishing the <br />entire ordinance: <br />The purpose ot this ortlinance is to <br />establish a standartl procedure for <br />consideretion of license suspension and <br />revocation. It provitles that the Ciry <br />Council may suspend and revoke a <br />Iicense only aker giving 20 days' notice <br />�o license holtlers of the allegations <br />againsl ihe license. Failure to ariend a <br />propetly noticetl hearing will resWt in the <br />sus0ension or revoca[ion of the license. <br />A second conviction for violating a <br />license-related Ciry ordinance will also <br />lead to automatic revocation ot a <br />license. Nothing provided in the license <br />procedure prevenis ihe criminal <br />prosecution of any City ordinance <br />violation. The Ciry Council may set <br />license fees imm time to time by <br />resolution. All licenses must be <br />prOminently postetl on the licensed <br />premises. <br />Effective Date. This Ordinance shall <br />take effed and be in force irom and atter <br />its passage antl publication. <br />ADOPTED by the Ciry Council of Little <br />Canada this 131h day of May, 2009. <br />CITY OF LITTLE CANADA <br />BV: Willlam 8lesanar, Meyor <br />ATTEST. <br />BY: Joel R. Hanson, Ciry Administrator <br />Ayes - 4 <br />Nays - 0 <br />(Roseville Review: May 19, 2009) <br />CITV OF LITTLE CANADA <br />ORDINANCE NO. 676 <br />AN ORDINANCE AMENDING <br />CHAPTER 7101 OF THE LITTLE <br />CANADA CITY CODE, KNOWN AS <br />7HE MUNICIPAL ORDINANCE, <br />PROVIDING FOR THE LICENSING <br />OF PET THERAPY ANIMALS <br />The Ciry Council of ihe City of Litlle <br />Canada here6y ordains � <br />Sectlon t. <br />Sectlon 1701.010. DEFINITIONS. is <br />hereby amendetl to add ihe following: <br />. AnIma4Assisted Activitlea: Animal- <br />Assistetl Activities (MA) are the casual <br />"meet end greeY activities ihat involve a <br />Delta Sociery cretlentiale0 pet therapy <br />animal antl that provitle opportunities tor <br />motivational, educational, recreational, <br />and/or therapeutic 6enefits to enhance <br />qualiry of life at care-giving tacilities, <br />including but not limitetl b, nursing <br />homes, congregate tlining centers, bng- <br />term care centers, etc. . <br />Animal-ASalstetl Therapy: Animab <br />Assisted Therepy (AAT) is a goab <br />directetl intervention in which a Delta <br />Sociery credentialed pet therapy animal <br />is an integral part oi the treatment <br />procass de5ignetl to promote <br />improvement in human physical, social, <br />emotional, anNOr cognitive functioning <br />at care-giving �acilities, Induding but not <br />limited tq hospitals, veterens faci�ities, <br />rehabilitation centers, etc <br />Secdon 2. <br />Section 1101.055. NUMBER OF <br />ANIMALS ALLOWED. is hereby <br />amendad to read as follows: <br />1101.055. NUMBER OF ANIMALS <br />ALLOWED. No person or entiry s�all <br />Own, possess, walk, keep, harbor, or <br />have control ot more than three (3) <br />animals over three (3) months o� age in <br />the Ciry of Litlle Canatla. The totel <br />number of animals per dwelling unit <br />shall not eaceed Ihree (3), except for pet <br />Iherapy animals as notad below. <br />The total number oi animals per <br />dwelling unit can be four (4) in the event <br />that all four (d) animals are Delta <br />Sociery cretlentialetl pet therapy <br />animals. The owner must at time oi <br />appliwtion for and/or fenewal of a Pet <br />Tharapy License: <br />� <br />• Obtain an annual Pet Therapy <br />License fmm the Ciry in addition to <br />obtaining a Dog License; <br />• Submit appropriate credentialing <br />documentation from Detta Sociery ihat <br />the animai is a part oi a Registeretl Pet <br />Panners Team; <br />�• Submit a copy of the DeHa Sociery <br />cenificate of insurance which covers the <br />Pet Panners Handier Team; <br />• Maintain a log tor each animal of <br />Animal-Assis�ed Activities (AAA) and <br />Animal-ASSisted Therapy (AAT) visits by <br />date�antl locatioa The log must reflect a <br />minimum number of 50 visits per animal <br />per year. Log must be verified by <br />signaWre, as well as the contact phone <br />number, of an oflicial irom the <br />organization where AAA and/or AAT <br />visits ocwrred. This log is required to be <br />submitletl to the City at the time of <br />application for antl/or renewal ol Pet <br />Therapy License. <br />• Submit approptlate documentation <br />that each animal has Canine Good <br />Citizen Certification, or the equivalent, <br />irom an accredded animal obetlience <br />SCh001. <br />Pet therapy animals will be <br />retire irom service and remain in the <br />home provided that the pet has served a <br />minimum ol five (� years ot continuous <br />AAA and AAT service or have a qualAied <br />medical retirement verified by a <br />veterinarian. Untler no circumstances, <br />however, will more than four animals be <br />allowed in a dwelling unit. <br />Sectlon 3. <br />This Ortlinance shall take elfect antl be <br />in lull force fwm and afler its passage <br />and puhlication. <br />William Blesaner, Mayor <br />ATTEST. <br />Joel Hanson, Atlministrato� <br />AVES:4 <br />NAVS:O <br />Adoptetl this 13th day of May, 2009. <br />(Roseville Review: May 19, 2009) <br />CffY OF ROSEVILLE <br />PUBLIC HEAR/NG NOTICE <br />Notice is given ihat the PLANNING <br />COMMISSION will hold its regular <br />meeling et City Hell, 2660 Civic Center <br />Dr., on Juna 3, 2009; consideration of <br />the tollowing pubiic hearings will begin <br />at 6:30 p.m.: <br />PLANNING FILE 09•002: Further <br />review of ihe revised request by AA <br />Mueller for aDP�oval of a <br />Comprehenslve Lend Uae Plen <br />Amendment to chenge Me lentl use <br />tlesignation ot 2025 Co Fd B from Low <br />Density Residential to High Densiry <br />Resitlential, rezoning of the property <br />imm Single Family Resitlence to <br />Plannetl Unit Development with an <br />underlying/base zoning or General <br />Resitlence Disirict, antl a Genaral <br />Concept Planned UnH Development <br />to allow a multi-story Active Senior <br />Living Communiry; the legal tlescnption <br />of the property is on file In the <br />Communiry Developmant Dept. <br />PIANNING flLE 09-007: Request by <br />Owasso Ridge Association, Inc. for <br />appmval ot a Planned Unit <br />Development Amentlment moditying <br />the stmcWre seIDack requirements lor <br />the resitlences at 2765-2780 Cohansey <br />Cir; ihe legal dascriplion of �he property <br />is on file in the Communiry Development <br />Dept. <br />PLANNING FILE 09-013: Fequest by <br />Donald Plumh ior vacallon of a portion <br />of the S McCarrons Blvd righ4ol-way <br />adjacent to his residential property at <br />501 S McCarrons BIvQ the legal <br />descnption oi the property is on file in <br />ihe Communiry Development Dept. <br />PLANNING FILE 09-015: Request by <br />Twin Ciry Tmck Sales for appioval of a <br />proposed tondlNonel use of a portion <br />o/ the pmpery at 2205 Counry Road C2 <br />.tor outdoor srorage of lighl duty utiliry <br />trailers to be sold at ihe proDertYl Iha <br />legal descriD�ion of the property is on file <br />in the Communiry Development Dept. <br />PROJECT FILE 0021: Request by Ciry <br />of Roseville to vecete a portion of the <br />Mount Ridge Rd right-of�way adjacent to <br />1947 and 2001 Co Rd C and 2690 <br />Cleveland Ave in preparation for <br />infrastmcture improvemenGS in the Twin <br />Lakes area; ihe legal description of Ihe <br />property is on file in the Communiy <br />Development Dept - <br />(Roseville Review: May 19, 2009) <br />CITY OF ROSEVILLE <br />PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE <br />Notice is given ihat the VARIANCE <br />BOARD will holtl a meeting et Clty Hall, <br />2660 Civic Center Dr., on June 3 at 5:00 <br />p.m. to consider the Dublic heanng for: <br />PLANNING FILE 09-014: Request by <br />Julie Wang Por approval ot vadeneea to <br />§7004 (Resitlence �IStrlc4) to allow <br />excess impervious coverage antl an <br />accessory stmcture encroachment into <br />the required iront yartl setback at 3078 <br />W Owasso Blvtl; legal tlescription ot MB <br />property is 'on lile in Communiry <br />Development Dept. <br />How lo participate or leam the <br />decislOn olthe Varlance Boertl: <br />1. Review the StaR Report <br />(available 5/29/2009) at: <br />www c rosev Ile mn usNb-aqenda. <br />2. Email or cell Bryan Lloyd, <br />Associate City Planner, at <br />brvan Ilovd�ci roseville mn us or (fi51) <br />792J073 prior to hearing. Meil a letler <br />or �ax to (651) 792-7070. <br />3. Atlentl Me Public Hearing antl <br />atltlress ihe Variance Boerd, or view on <br />Cahle Channel 16. <br />C. Foseville property owners mey <br />appeal the Vanance Boartl decision by <br />�elivering a written appeal to Ciry <br />Manager's oflita in Ciry Hall, 2660 Civic <br />Center Drive, no laler ihan NOON on <br />6/75/2009. <br />(ROSeville Review: Mey 19, 2009) <br />. .:.:.;. .-. . , . . � . . <br />_ .. .: �.�.... ....._. • .., , . � � � <br />.. _ . �,._ . � -�.,. _..,.,s -.# � , ,i. <br />4 .�+Y y�� � � . �.t�t.. .�..� .. cr , . <br />