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But I do understand the concerns of the city council and the city <br />planners. I am saying it is a little overzealous concern that we cannot <br />show everywhere and in every instance without compromising our <br />economic capabilities. Another digression, pardon! I believe that it is <br />these unchecked concerns that compounded over the nation are <br />partially the cause of our current economic problems. Unfortunately <br />it is a trade-off as usual. We can have high security or environmental <br />standards but then our economic clout is compromised. I wish we <br />could do both. The question is what our choice is going to be. I could <br />write a whole book on this alone. <br />Conclusion: <br />But after all is said and done, I think the safety of the area was the <br />main concern in the original resolution and is evidenced by the <br />clause 5.6 of the recommendations. I understand this fully. In <br />acknowledgement of these concerns I propose the following scheme <br />and I think it addresses all concerns and appears to be an equitable <br />solution. <br />The Riaz Hussain Solution: <br />I shall list the proposal in steps and at each level I will be attempting <br />to show cognizance of the council's concerns. <br />1. I propose that the said area be designated as a single parking area <br />and be reconstructed with the provisions hereunder. <br />2. The area be restricted for employee parking only and at most 4 cards <br />be allowed to be parked in the area as detailed below. <br />3. The parking structure shall be changed so that the cars park east- <br />west and simply enter in the lot to the designated spot. Since the <br />area will then be contiguous there will be ample room for the cars to <br />back into the remaining lot and not any street and leave from the <br />entry/exit point. See the Attachment C. This way no car will be <br />backing into any street at all. This was the main concern and as I <br />understand the only concern from the recommendations. <br />4. I shall have the lot redone /marked so that no danger exists to any <br />street. <br />5. Clearly visible markers will be issued to the authorized personnel <br />that can park in the area. All others shall be towed at owners' <br />expense. <br />6. The lot will have a clearly visible sign and post stating "Authorized <br />parking only, others towed" <br />7. A towing service will be contacted so that they can tow a car at any <br />time if they do not see the authorized sticker. <br />--. ..� <br />