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Attachment A <br />i:,:� addressed the exterior building materials, opining that it looked like the back of a warehouse, without a <br />� Fc front door. Mr. Peterson opined that there were many vacancies currently in Roseville, and that another <br />�o^ office building was not necessary. Mr. Peterson addressed his observations of bicycle accidents at <br />�6z County Road B and Lexington; excess speeds over the posted 35 mph; and expressed concerns with the <br />� 63 triangle of safety for cars and pedestrians. Mr. Peterson expressed concern that residential property <br />16? values would decrease further; and again addressed his apparent lack of notice and communication <br />�65 regarding this application. <br />16F At the request of Chair Bakeman, City Planner Thomas Paschke addressed the notification process used, <br />16� and reviewed the actual list of property owners notified, 500' from the property line of the development <br />��� site, in addition to posted and published notice. <br />16� Cindy Wilson, 1172 Sandhurst Drive <br />� �:; As part of the record, written comments were received fiom Dr. Douglas Wilson, attached hereto <br />��� and made a part thereof. <br />»� Ms. Wilson advised that she was located eight (8) houses from this home, and had not received a notice <br />� �:� either. Ms. Wilson opined that the property should remain residential to avoid decreasing home values; <br />� �^- noted current lighting pollution from the SuperAmerica property to her home; and addressed major traffic <br />� �5 concerns at that intersection and impacts to pedestrian and bicycle tra�c. Ms. Wilson noted that there <br />1 ��> were no sidewalks along Sandhurst; and that Lexington was a huge trunk for emergency vehicles, which <br />� �� were not traveling at 35 mph, creating more potential for accidents. While supporting a use other than the <br />1 �8 existing TCF Bank building, Ms. Wilson expressed concern with removing a residence to put in a parking <br />179 lot, and opined that the parking lot should be reduced to avoid taking that home. <br />� �� Andrejs Vape <br />13 � Mr. Vape opined that, if more residential on that site was not possible, he would suggest more appealing <br />��2 architectural amenities, with entrance on County Road B, and parking on the side to avoid additional <br />��3 traffic congestion on Sandhurst. <br />��3�� Mr. Vape also noted the lack of notice he had received about the proposal. <br />��35 Chair Bakeman requested that staff review the notification process, and verify those property owners on <br />��� the list for future notices. <br />i�3� Paul Mergens, 1126 Sandhurst <br />�&:; Mr. Mergens, in listening to public comments tonight, noted the negativity; however, he opined that <br />��3� Roseville, as an inner ring suburb, could do worse than the proposed use on that corner; and suggested <br />190 that citizens focus more on positives of the proposal. Mr. Mergens opined that this may be a wonderful <br />191 asset to the community; and noted that some of the city's homes needed repair, replacement or removal; <br />� 92 and suggested that there were positives to this proposal. <br />193 Chair Bakeman recessed the meeting at approximately 8:34 p.m. and reconvened <br />19 t at approximate/y 8:40 p.m. <br />�9� Applicant Response, Sonja Simonsen <br />�9� Ms. Simonsen addressed some of the comments from tonighYs public testimony, noting that the building <br />�9� use was currently retail, and that this use should generate less traffic and vehicular traffic, with 740 <br />19a vehicles per day for a retail use, and only 350 vehicles per day for office use. Ms. Simonsen further noted <br />�93 that Wellington was the current owners of the commercial TCF Bank building and property; and had no <br />2ou intention of continuing down the block with commercial development; and recognized appropriate <br />20 � concerns of residents related to that potential. Ms. Simonson further addressed the applicanYs <br />20? willingness, at the direction of the Planning Commission, to hold an additional open house, and noted <br />203 staff's cooperation in assisting with notifying applicable property owners; and stressed that opinions of the <br />20�= residents were of value to Wellington. <br />20:� Chair Bakeman closed the Public Hearing at approximately 8:43 p.m. <br />206 Mr. Paschke, for the record, verified that Mr. Vape had been on the mailing list for notices, listed at a post <br />20� office box, for both the open house and public hearing process notices. <br />2U�3 Discussion among Commissioners and staff included Chair Bakeman's request prior to tonight's Public <br />209 Hearing, for individual commissioners to review the Comprehensive Plan for future development and <br />z�o redefining various business types, of which Neighborhood Business designation was one of three; and <br />�' '' types of businesses to be considered in that land use designation, as defined. <br />• • Page 4 of 6 <br />, � <br />