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Attachment A <br />;::;:� consequence of reducing the parking lot, and therefore supported Mr. Paschke's suggestion for "proof of <br />2�:>�> parking" for future reference. <br />26? Commissioner poherty concurred with that concern, that if adequate parking were not available on site, <br />2h:s people would park on Sandhurst, creating extremely adverse outcomes. <br />20� Commissioner GottFried supported the parking being built as required for the building's tenants. <br />2�o Commissioner Martinson expressed concern regarding the traffic visibility triangle and customary speeds <br />2 � ^� of traffic. <br />2�2 Mr. Paschke noted Condition A and ongoing discussions between the applicant and staff on final <br />2�3 placement of the building. <br />2�a Commissioner Boerigter noted the competing uses at that signalized intersection and nature of the <br />2�;� generic safety triangle without looking at the specific location in question; and spoke in support of the <br />2�o proposed location, noting expressed concerns. <br />2�� Commissioner poherty concurred with Commissioner Boerigter. <br />2�r3 Mr. Paschke noted similar examples in the communiry related to encroaching on the safety triangle; noted <br />2 r:� that the code was created in the 1980's, and that the community had grown considerably since the 1930's <br />2�o and 1940's when parcels were originally platted. Mr. Paschke advised that the concerns brought forward <br />2B� tonight would be included in ongoing discussions and addressed prior to development and presentation of <br />2�32 final plans. <br />2�33 Commissioner Gottfried noted the need for consistency as this land use designation was initiated. <br />2�� Commissioner Boerigter opined that, in looking at the overall picture and listening to testimony, this land <br />2�:; use should provide a more positive aspect to the neighborhood in the long run, as this area was <br />2��� redeveloped into a business node; and opined that there should be nominal impact to the neighborhood <br />28 i while fitting into what the City was trying to accomplish in redevelop those nodes. <br />2�� Chair Bakeman, while originally sharing neighborhood concerns, opined that those concerns had now <br />2�:� been somewhat alleviated; and further opined that this proposed use fit with the neighborhood with <br />290 appropriate screening. Chair Bakeman expressed some concerns with pedestrian and bicycle traffic that <br />29 � staff and the applicant needed to further address; but overall, she opined that it was a pretty good project. <br />292 Ayes:7 <br />293 Nays:O <br />� � � Motion carried. <br />• • Page 6 of 6 <br />