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Vacation Easement
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,''\ ,�a, <br />resen�e purposes, in the same manner as vacation proceedings are conducted for streets, <br />alleys and other public ways under a home rule charter or other provisions of law. <br />4.3 In 1997 the City Council approved the Centre Pointe PUD and, along with it, specific <br />development plans and/or terms and conditions under which development would be <br />allowed. The utility and drainage plans identified/created storm water management ponds <br />designed to accommodate adjacent development drainage. One such pond and <br />subsequent public drainage easement, lies in the southeast corner of the Ehlers property. <br />4.4 Ehlers' desire to expand their office building in compliance with the PUD will require the <br />storm water management pond to be redesigned, the existing easement to be vacated, and <br />the a new easement to be created for the new pond configuration. <br />5.0 STAFF COMMENTS: <br />5.1 When reviewing requests for vacating public EASEMENTS (in this instance a pond <br />easement), the Public Works/Engineering Department determines whether the request <br />will immediately or in the future, have an adverse impact the general health, welfare, or <br />safety of the citizens of the City of Roseville. The Department also determines whether it <br />is in the best interest of the City to retain an easement protecting the public interest. <br />5.2 The Public Works/Engineering Department has reviewed the request by Ehlers and has <br />determined that the subject storm water easement can be vacated and replaced by a new <br />easement that covers the redesigned and approved (by Rice Creek and City Engineer) <br />storm water pond. <br />6.0 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: <br />6.1 Based on the comments and findings outlined in Section 4 and 5 of this report, the <br />Planning Division recommends approval of the request for a VACAT1oN of a certain <br />UTILITY and DRAINAGE EASEMENT at 3060 Centre Pointe Drive, subject to the following <br />conditions: <br />a. The vacated easement must be consistent with the legal description and survey <br />dated March 4, 2009, and reviewed as part of this application; and <br />b. A new utility and drainage easement must be dedicated, which covers the newly <br />designed and approved storm water management pond, prior to the easement <br />vacation is recorded. <br />7.0 SUGGESTED ACTION: <br />7.1 BY MOTION, RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF A UTILITY AND DRAINAGE <br />EASEMENT VACATION for Ehlers and Associates, 3060 Centre Pointe Drive, based <br />on the comments and findings of Section 4 and 5 and the conditions of Section 6 of the <br />project report dated March 26, 2009. <br />Prepared by: City Planner Thomas Paschke (651-792-7074) <br />Attachments: A: Area map C: Alta Survey <br />B: Aerial photograph D: Vacation/Rededication Illustration <br />PF09-009 RPCA 040109.doc <br />Page 2 of 2 <br />
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