learn how native look at aromatherapy will be Aromatherapy is the grow- other scented plant com- ticipants must be 12 years or
<br />Public Notices
<br />LITTLE CANADA read es follows: consitler the propose0 improvemeni I� you would like a detailed explanation ' Counry for collection beginning with ihe CITV OF LIl7LE CANADA
<br />IANCE N�. 673 (D) Collection ol Unpaid Amounts. As fees to be imposed and collecled for as to how the fee was calculeted, you - tollowing year's property �axes. No CITY COUNCIL
<br />NANCE AMENDING deemed necessary by ciry s1aB, notice improvements and repeirs to Canabury can the Ciy Administrator at 651-766- prepeyment ol fees wlll be allowetl yyORKSHOP MEETING
<br />O5, 809, 816, AND 1601 shall be p�ovided to account holders and Condominium Association housing units 4040. etter the initial 304ey perlod. NoNCe In hereb Iven that the Litlle
<br />.E CANADA CITV CODE, owners with a delinquent balance within the Housing Improvement Area (Roseville Review: Mar. 17, 2009) The effective tlate of the resoNtion Y 9
<br />i THE MUNICIPAL notitying them of Ihe delinquency. H Ihe (HIA) pmsuaN to Minn. Statutes imposing the fees will be 45 days afler Canada Ciry Council �as sc�aduletl e
<br />� BV CLARIFVING tlelinquent accounis remain unpaid aner '428A.11 lhrough'428A21. adoption by the Ciry Council. If �he Workshop Meeting ior Wednesdey, Aptll
<br />ihe date specified in t�e notice. an The propehies proposed to be subject NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING owners o� 35 % or more of the resitlential B. 2009 for ihe purpose ol reviewing Ihe
<br />OF UNPAID AMOUNTS. tlraN Rental Housin Licensin
<br />mcil ol the City ol Litlle atlminisirative charge as established by to the improvement fees are the housing Notice ia hereby given that the little housing units' faz capacity thet are 9 9
<br />Cit Council resolution shall be units located within the Cenabu subect to a fee file writlen obedions Ordinance.
<br />y orAains: Y �Y Canada Ciry Council will meet at 6:00 > > The Workshop Meeting will �egin at
<br />Sectlon 1. assessed on ihese delinquent accounts, Condomfnium Housing Improvement P.m. on Montlay, March 30, 2009 in ihe �'ith the Ciry CIeM within G5 days afler
<br />40 is here6y amended to and this charge along with ihe Area antl are legally described as: Council Chambers of the Ciry Center the atloption of the resolution imposing 6:00 p.m. and will De heltl in ihe
<br />delinquent refuse charges, including CIC No.071 CanaburyCondominiums, located at 515 Litlle Canada Roatl to the fee,�the resolution will becomE null Conference Room ot the Cily Center
<br />�d necessary by ciry stafl, Penalties, shall be certi�ied by the CM Units 707 through 334 consider the propose0 improvement and voitl. located at 515. LRtle Canada Road in
<br />Council to ihe Ramse Count All interested ersons will be rven an A valitl etition si ned b more than ��tl City.
<br />�e provided to account Y Y P 9 fees to be imDOSetl antl collectetl tor P 9 Y Jxl R. Hanwn
<br />•wners wrth a tlelinquent Depatlment of Properry Taxes tor opportuniry to be heard at the public {mprovements. and repairs to Fleur 25% ol the owners of ihe housing units
<br />irying them of ihe collection with taKes due ageinst said hearing on the proposetl fees antl Royale Condominium Association subject ro the proposetl fees is on file CNy Adminlatreta
<br />remises. written commenis will be considered. wiM the Ci (ROSeville Review� Mac 17, 2009)
<br />the delinquent accounts P housing units within the Housing b�
<br />i aRer the payment tlate ���on 4. The estimated cost of such Improvement Area (HIA) pursuant to �� You would like e de[ailed explanation —
<br />� notice, an admini5trative Section 1601.300 is hereby amended improvements, including adminisiralive Minn. Statutes '428A.77 through as to how the fea was calculated, you
<br />ablished by City Council ro reatl as follows: fees is $383,61b.00- The amount to be �qpgq p� can ihe Ciry Administrator at 651-76& CITY OF ROSEVILLE
<br />II be assewed on ihese (H) As deemed necessary by clty stafl, charged against each housing unit is The propetlies proposetl to be subject 4��� ' PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE
<br />:ounts, and this charge notice shall be providetl to account basetl upon a percentage of ownership �o Ihe improvement lees are the housing (Roseville Review. Mar. 17, 2009) Notice is given that the PLANNING
<br />the delinquent sewer holders antl owners with a delinquent ofCanaburyCondominiums.ASChedule units Ixated within the Fleur Royal — COMMISSION witl hold its ragular
<br />ding penatties, shall -be balance notirying them oi the of the proposed fees for each unit will be Condominium Housing Improvement meeting at Ctty Hall, 2660 Civic Center
<br />he Ciy Council to the delinquency. N ihe delinquent accounis mailed to each owner and a copy oi qrea and are legally described as: PUBLIC HEARING Dr. on, Apr. 1, 2009 a[ 6:30 p.m. to
<br />ry Department ot Properry �emain unpaitl afler ihe date specified same is available for review without cost qpartmeM Ownership No. 079 Fleur Notice is given thaf the CM Councll will considar these public hearings:
<br />Ilection with tanes due on ihe notice, an atlminisirative charge at Cicy Hall or can be mailed or e-mailed Royale Contlominiums, conduct a Public Hearing regarding the PLANNIN6 FILES 09�W6 AND �00�:
<br />'emises. In the event Ihat as established by City Council by request. Units 701 through 339 On Sale Wine and 32 % Liquor License CoordinateA requasts by T-MIOtlq6 dqd
<br />ative charge is to be resoWtion shall be assessed on these StaR recommentls ihe fees be payable qll interested persons will be given an application for Key's CatA, 1682 AT&T for app�oval of e Planned UnR
<br />unpaid water charges, delinquent accounts, and this charge over 15 years at 675 % interesl. opportunRy ro be heard at the public Lexington Avenue at 6:00 p.m. on Maroh ��elopment Amendment ro allow the
<br />'.ection 1601300�G), the along with the delinquent water and Fees may be paid in pan (at least 25%) hearing on the pmposed fees and 23, 2009 at Rosaville Ciry Hell, 2660 instaltation of cellular antennas on the
<br />charge lor unpaid sewer �'ater service charges, induding or in full, without interest accrual, within H,rinen comments will be considered. Civic Center Drive, Roseville, Eagle Crest residential Duiltling at 2925
<br />�e waivetl. � penaMies, shall be certitietl by the Ctty 30 days ot the Ciry Council's resolution 7he estimated cost oi such Minnesota. - Lincoln Dr.; ihe legal description of the
<br />�yy�o� 2 Council to Ihe Ramsey County adopting and imposing the fees. AXer �mprovemenis, including adminislrative By: Wllllam J. Malinen, Clty Manager ��oDeny is on file in Ihe Communly
<br />00 ig here�y amended to Department o� Property Taves for the initial 30-day period, all remaining �ees is $530,000.00. The amount to be (Roseville Feview: Mar. 17, 2009) DevebDment Department.
<br />collection with taces due against said O�incipal and unpaid interest accruing charged against each housing unit is �_ PLANNING FILE 04-009: Request by
<br />V OF DELINQUEN7 Premises. irom the date of the atloption of the �ee besetl upon a percentage ot ownarship Ehlers & Associates, Inc. tor epprovel oi
<br />��. As deemed necessary �ion 5. resolution will be certified to Remsey of Fleur Foyale Condominiums CITY OF LITTLE CANADA � an eanement vacetlon at 3060 Centre
<br />>tice shall be provitletl to This Ordinance shall take effect and be Counry for collection beglnning with the ($q80,000) plus the estimated costs of Pointe Dr. to allow an oBice expansion
<br />id owners with delin uent in full force trom and atter its passage following year's ro e taxes. No CITY COUNCIL
<br />q � P hY impmvemenis to intlivitlual units � that necessitates a retlesigned stortn
<br />s) notitying Ihem ol Ihe and pubfcation. prepeyment of fees wlll be allowetl ($50,000) that will be added to ihat uniYS �NORKSHOP MEETING water manegamant system and a newly
<br />f the tleiinquent amount W�Illam Bleaener, Meyor afler the IMtlal 30-tlay perlod. fee total. A schedule oi the proposed Notice is �ereby given that the Litlle dedicated drainage easement; ihe legal
<br />d after the payment date ATTEST The eHedive date ol ihe resoWtion �ees for each unit will be mailad to each Canada Cily Council has schetluled a Aescription oi the property is on file in
<br />i notice, an atlministrative �oel Hanson, Administrator imposing the feas will be 45 days after owner and a copy ot same is available Workshop Meeting for Wednesdag the Community Development
<br />eblishetl by City Council � A�ES: 4 atloD�ion by ihe City Council. 11 the �or review without cost at Ciry Hall or can March 25, 2009 for the purpose of Depanment.
<br />II be assessetl on ihese NAYS: 0 ownere oi 35 % or more ol the residential be mailed or e-mailed by reQUest. reviewing 2009 Goals antl Aclion Plans. PLANNING FILE 09-070: Raquest by
<br />�oices, and this charge AOOpted ihis t01h day of March, 2009. housing units' taa capacity that are Stafl recommentls ihe fees be payable The Workshop Meefing will begin at Bituminous Roadways fo� Condltlon�l
<br />tlelinquent alarm fee shall (ROSeville Review: Mar. 17, 2009) subject to a lee lile wntten objections over 10 years at 6A5 % interest 6:00 p.m. antl will be hela in the Use appwval ro allow the outdoor
<br />� the Ciry Council to ihe --- with the CiN Clerk within 45 days atter Fees may be paid in part (at least 25 %) Conference Room ot the Ciry Center storage of aggregate materials In
<br />ry Departmem of Pmperty Ihe adoption of the resolution imposing or in tull, without interest accrual, within ��ated a� 515 Lmle Caneda Roatl in conjunction with the operation of en
<br />Ilection with taxes due NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING �he fee, the resolution will become null 30 days of the Ciry Council's resoWtion said Ciry. asphalt plant at 2280 Walnut St.; Me
<br />�perty on which the alarm Notice is hereby given that the Little and void � atlopting antl imposing the fees. Atter Jcei R. Hanaon legal description ot the proDertY is on file
<br />led. - Canada Ciry Council will meet at 7:00 A �alitl petition signed by more �han the inttial 30.day period, all remaining CITyAdminlstretor in the Community Development
<br />Section 3.- � p:m. on MonOay, March 30, 2009 in the 25 % of the owners o� the housing unks p�incipal and unpaid interest accruing ,(ROSeville Review: Mer. 17, 2009) . Department.
<br />40 is hereby amended ro Councii Cham6ers of the Ciry Center subject to ihe proposetl lees is on tile • �rom the date ot ihe adoption ol ihe tee — (Roseville Review: Mac 17, 2009)
<br />located at 515 Little Canada Road to v/ith Ihe Ciry. resolution will be cetlitied to Ramsey
<br />_ �. � w � w �� ��� _ ,.. .« ... ...
<br />