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ALTi�AC�M �ND TITLE SURUEY <br />1. <br />i. <br />� <br />6. <br />7. <br />L•� <br />4. <br />70. <br />m <br />CEBTI��CATION <br />I hereby certiFy to Ehlers ond Associates, (nc., a�d Old RepubRic Nationel Fiile InsurQnce Company that this Is a <br />survey of; <br />Lot 1, 81ock 2, CENTRE POINT� �USINESS PARK, cccordinq to the recorded plot ihereoP, and sif�ate ln Ramsey <br />Gounty Miinnesoto, togeiher with the oppurtenont eosements contained in thot certain Reciprocal Easement <br />Agreemani daFed qUguat 31, 7995, fiGed SepEember 13, 1995, as Document No. 2887417. <br />and Is Gased upon infwmation found. tn the commitment for iifle insurance prepared by Old Repu6lic Nationol Title <br />Insurance Compony, Commitment No. ORFE715760, dated effectfvo Oecember }, 2008 ct �:OD A.M:, and shaws the <br />locations of aIl vislble huildings, structures, or impravemenls on said property, fhat there are no visble rfghis oF way <br />ar easements on snid describecF properEy other than shown or noted hereon; that there are no party walls or vislble <br />encroachments cn said described properiy by bulldings, structures, or other improvemenEs situated on adjoining <br />property excepf as shown or noted hereon; that all easemenfs, if ony. Iisted in Schedule B Section II, on the herein <br />referenced cammitrnent for tiiie insurance, ore ahown hereon; and that this map or plat ond the survey on which fE <br />is 6ased were made (i) in accardance with "Minimum Standard Detail Requirements for ALTA/ACSM Land lltle <br />Surveys,° jointly established und adopted by AITA, AC5�1, and NSPS in 2Q05, end (ii) pursuanE to the Accuracy <br />St¢nderds as adapt�d hy ALTA and NSPS end in effect on the date of this certification, fhe undersigned furtfter <br />certiFies that in my ptofesslonoE opinion, as a land surveyar licenserf in the State of Mirnesoto, the Relative Positiona! <br />Accuracy af fhis survey does nat exceed that which is speci8ed therein and includes Items i, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7{a), 7(bt), <br />8, 9, 10, ond 11(a� (PocaEion oi uEilities par visble, obove ground on—site observotion.) of Tohle A thereof, <br />I further certiiy thaf this survey was prepared by me or undar it:y Qirect supervision and that I am o duly Llcense�J` <br />LanB Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota. � <br />Date• 2 ,. 09 ,� .�`N��t� � fM <br />E.G ud & Sons, I �'��'•-u••" •"}.i' <br />on�vi�t.w. i <br />j ae�»� l _ / <br />! - j �i ' ,� <br />Dcniet Obermiller, Land Surveyor "` �; ;f : r� <br />Minnasota �icense No. 25341 = C�� `�aa <br />. :;qy "_....� <br />' pe.` <br />.,�SF1SiV��•` <br />GEN�RA1 NUTE� <br />Fee ownanhip fa �aetad 4� Etilce and Asaonickes Iric, a MN CorperaUon Parctl ID Numher. 09-29-23�-11-pp78 � <br />Addresa o/ tAe / <br />eurwyCtl plCmiser SOBO Gnke POM�Se pr�VC ry, Raxvdte, 4lN 951t3, � <br />/ <br />B�er4�qa eho»n herevn nre boaed rn Ramary Ccunty can(dina�e�. � � <br />/� /7Si <br />aounanr aroa•o! the �rve Isae: es,49a �� <br />Y S� p�eR+ oq. tL (1.57� 11ao9) / <br />fia surveyed premiaes Ms accmz fo Crnlre Pa'nkc Orive„ o pubfitly EWwted street ` <br />Tha surveyad prmdsm Faa 88 regLior paki� sta',Ls and 2 ha�ddcopped. <br />UNilies shaxn rieracn a eheerved or trom �axm�y previded by W�( En9ina¢rinq do(ad 7/9/1997. E.covetiofrc we�e not muda &ering the prxns of thi3 wrvay Lo loca�a <br />undaryou�d ulOittcs mW/or atruelurn. The Wcution oi �ndorground� uk7(�i�y yid/or etrveturv moy vary from locatfav hovn hvreon ona oddFiand undwyounC uNtties <br />and/or sUuMVes may be encwnteratl. Conlxt caprteC Stale Orte Calf NoUlication Centet for verlftwNon of vt�ty eype and Fldd locotion, prlor In e:euvction. <br />S�bsurfaee ana environmentd candltlone ivare nat ezaminN or considered Airing tfie proeeaa of Ihia surny. No atetertlCnl is mada conceming the exlsience af <br />undcrqreund c overheed cnnmMera or kcpiliw fhat mey affecl lhe usa or duvdc�, menl of Ne swvayeO premLses. <br />ihe fie[d aurvcy ol tFJs sile wos rompleted crt Junuary 5th and 61h 2009. <br />pC RapuElEe NMjanO� TUa lnsumme Compony, Ca�7qnent F!a ORTE7S37p0 (Elfect3vo DeCembef lat, 2Q08�, 5uvcy Releled Sehedula 6-Z pxCepSiatz <br />11em 8) R¢aMcHans, caveno.�t4 eondUdn� ond easomenb as ccn;a'nod h ihat eertein Reatrictiva Covenvnis a�4 Eovemmt Agreamrnl Caled Iqop 21, 1987. IOetl May 29, <br />1997, oa �ocumanf No, 2994227 whfch eonloin no fnrY nuro prov�an. fie brnafitiay pwty In Ne a6we Ageeman: has�granlvd cwo Llcrnsa Ag:eements dvtvd May Z�� <br />1997 r�gwdtng siyn usage h� fawr of }ieritoge Inn Nu:nb� %IOV, LhMled Partnerstiip, tl ftMh Ockota 1'enitnd pdrinashlD and HGT Investmmis, L1.C.. a Dclaxcr¢ <br />ItrnfteQ liahli�y mmpony raspectWdy iled m ooeumm0 Nca 3001797 w�d �OOt793 +�hich waa part(a7y easigned and oswmed by Doa,men! Na. 3J72448. Cettlflcq:a <br />regadfig Imninotim of apFwn 1n eaEd agreemen! @ed January ;, 2�2, aa Dacument Na. 3457660. (shmvn ort �ur+q� <br />ikatn 9} Uultty eosemenl(sj as ahown on tha recordad plot e( CENTRE PoM7E 0U9NES5 PARH. (shmvn cn survay) <br />(lem 10) Drolnoga easamenl(a) ne sFmm on the recorded plal of CFTITRE POiM1E BLSINF55 PMK. (o-yaxn on swvey) <br />Hem t5) UtOity nrtd EmNa9e easammt(9) oa Stlown on Gx fecorded pint of CEN7RE POINTE BU9NE55 PAAK. {shewn on avrvey) <br />Itmn 12) Tama, eonddona, pmrbiona and aeeam�nls cvntuined In tGal certuln Reciprecol Eosemrnt Agromeat, dated August 3i, 1945, f,IM Septemher 17, 7985, oe <br />Qocammt No. 28B7417 6y md belween ipe Cfty ot RorerAla ond L& H Renity Compony. LLP., n tdtnneaoftl Itmlled 6nbiily parinersMip. (ahoxn cn suvey) <br />ILem 13) �ammMt for NeeMk poxc line puryaaas owi psl of pren�cx togaUw «kh incldentel rlghls granteC ta lfor4hem 5lntas Power Cempony, a M'mnesoto <br />Carpe�atlon, ae eddenaeA Dy insWmanl Catod August 25, tieB& �Btl Septemper 1B. 1989, cs �oament Na 2459547. (shown on euvay} <br />Ilam i6) Eaemnenl for puNlic wdk�wy w�tl b�cycle pathway purposes over D� �!he prem13e5 g�nlad W lho Qly of Rosn�le as avldereetl Dy Ppthwpy Easemrnt Oated <br />June 1, Fg9e, Cdod Fa6ruory 2, 1999, oa 6ocument No. #11907B � <br />The Clfy a! RoseWle hns InAcatad tlwk they ara not dirccNy fmdved- m!he Rood msvronce progam. It hox becn nlchliehed for Iho �ty oi Rosavilie, ihot the enllre Cfty <br />��n Zmo C pa CcmmunRy No. 27Q599C ef(ective 3/JO/19BS. <br />17. Tho City af Raseu�la hm (ndieated Ihok the wmyxd: premiaes ahown m tkns aurvay k �urranUy zvnW PUO (planned� unt! develcpmant� <br />PI¢ax cafl Vta PWnni�g D�pC p( �h¢ City af Ra�cw`Ic (654-79$-7073) wilh zaning qu¢vtlam ahov! lhis prcpe;ty p y�/baeks. <br />5E7BACI(S 8uitd:�g <br />fronfa30 Ft Sido=SO �L Reor.20 FL - <br />Parkhg <br />Frent=l9 Ft Sme=5 ?t <br />13. LE47NE POINTE BU9ttE55 PAHIC wes rxorCed on Oecem6vr 18, i989 per �ocumant No. 2523q51 <br />74. <br />There may be M.prnvemeata in oddliors to thoae vhoan x�hich wore not loceted or nhawn on Ihe survsy due ta snaw and ke covering No Frapaty t}p�cal o! Hinn�oto <br />�� s. <br />� <br />�'�' Prafessior�al Land Surveyc�rs <br />„�,,.a9,���, 6776 Ldke Drive t�E, Suite i'i0 <br />Lino Lqkes, MN 5�Qi4 <br />Tel. (651� 3bt-6200 Fax (65t) 361-8701 <br />�- <br />.�i" <br />`„ <br />� ". <br />� ,� <br />�\ <br />� <br />� <br />V <br />I <br />I <br />_. __ J <br />l <br />i3 � 4A5 <br />I <br />� 44.5 <br />I <br />GRAPHIC SCALE <br />a is <br />( IH FE6T ) <br />} jy�y e 36 St <br />V��B�'l i IIIAF <br />c' <br />. <br />J <br />� ' <br />����� <br />• �ENOTES IRON MONUMENT FOUND AS LABELED <br />� o OENOTES lRDtl I�ONU�dFNT S�T, AS LHBEL£D <br />d DENOTES STQRM CASCH BASIN <br />� DENOIES STORM SEW�ir htAN}IOLE <br />� � DENQTES SANITARY SE4lEft h1qNHOLE <br />� <br />� ,� �ENOTES ITYORMF <br />I <br />I M �ENQT`S GATE VALVE <br />i <br />� 0 DENOTES ELEC'FRIC BOX <br />� � DENOTES Gq5 ldErEft <br />{ <br />� -' DEP10TE5 SIGN <br />I <br />I � DENOTES CONCRETE SURfACE. <br />j� :kF,;:.,;:'; 6EN01�5 BINNINOUS SVRFACE <br />� G DENb?E5 UGH7 FQLE <br />� <br />� � DENOTES �E1.EPHdNE PE6ESTnL <br />� <br />f � DENbiES CABIE PEDESTAL <br />� <br />S —c �--�- QENO'IES uA'oFJ2cRauwo ELECTR�c <br />� --=�+s 6EN07ES UNpFRGROt1N� GAS IJNE <br />i <br />� �—m— pENO1E5 UN�ERGROUNO 'FELEPHONE UNE/T£L MANHOLE <br />( —>r— OENO'IES 570R6f SEWER (Directicn aF drainage is vncei <br />{ in Clweland Ave. an� aiong SW'ly property line starm n <br />I —>— �ENOTES SAWTARY SEWE'R .� <br />� —+�— OEN07ES WAiER MAIN <br />�----� <br />� <br />~$� DRFtN! 8N NLO '' �1..° NO: 08525 OAiE 1 <br />� � �9 <br />� �� eri � � � <br />t <br />� <br />�._,.�- 3 <br />� <br />Ho. o�� eescrrwncN ev <br />osszs acra <br />