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.� <br />1���ioy CnvironmQntal Services, lr�c. <br />363b Garf'ield Ave. 5. <br />Minneapolis, MN 55409 <br />(bt2)825•5857 <br />November 18, 2010 <br />Members of the Roseville City Council <br />Cily of RoseviNe <br />2660 Civic Center Drive <br />Roseviile, MN 55113 <br />Re: f3ituminous Roadways Proposed Asptiait Plant <br />Dear Membe�s of tlze City Council: <br />� <br />I am the environmental [onsu4tant retained by Gladsione Commercial Corporation and UC�6 <br />Roseville MN LLC to review the environmental assessment worksheet and proposed air permit for the <br />proposed Bituminous �oadways Roseville Asphatt Plant. My resume is attached hereto. I reviewed the <br />EAW and proposed air permit and examined the MPCA file with respect to the EAW and the proposed <br />air permit. The letter dated August 1i, 2010 from UC06 Roseville to Kevin Kain of the Minnesota <br />Polfution Control Agency, and the letter dated Septernber 10, 2010 frorn ttie law firrri of Moss & 8arnett <br />to Mr. Kain and Terik Hanafy of the MPCA (together, tlie "letters"), incorQorate the tect�nical work that 1 <br />cornpleted {�opies are attached). I am responsible for the analysis and technical substance of the <br />letters. I examined the Letters, as signed and delivered to the MPCA. The Letters aairrately state the <br />resuits af my analysis and findings. This letter incorporates the Letters without qualification, and yau <br />may rely on the Letters as accurately stating my analysis. I completefy concur with each and every <br />statement in the Letters regarding the Asphatt Plant and the EAW. <br />, <br />... <br />� <br />�i <br />