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Norember Strtring C��mmittee :llecrfng <br />V�ocen�l�cr l, ?OOi <br />Page ? <br />I. Housekeeping <br />Meeting objectives: <br />• Agree on agenda for meeting <br />• Set guidelines for Pu61ic in put <br />Public Input <br />Each Steering Committee meetin� is desi�ned to be a workin� session between Committee members and the <br />consultin� team. As the next section (Planning Process) shows, we have lots to do over the next eleven <br />months. To make the meetings efFective workin� sessions, we prefer to limit questions and comments from <br />the �eneral public attending the meetin�s. We propose to set aside ten minutes at the end of each meetino <br />for questions and comments from the public. Our rationale for this approach is: <br />• One role of the Steering Committee is to represent the public in the planning proce�s. We wazit to <br />maximize the opportunity for dialogue with the Committee. <br />• We provide other opportunities for public input throu�hout the planning proce�s. <br />• Past experience has shown that a lack of Quidelines For public uiput may disrupt the work of the Steerina <br />Committee. <br />We will discuss and set wideline� for E�ublic input at the beginning of the No�•ember meetul�. <br />II. Planning Process <br />Meetin8 objectives: <br />� Informationul — No action sought <br />� Answer questions about the planning process <br />Attachment A to this memo contains a detailed calendar for the plannin� proces�. The calendar shows the <br />coordination between the work of the Steering Committee, opportunities for public input and the work tasks <br />in the plannin� process. Please review Attachment A and identifv any question� vou ha��f: about the proce�s. <br />We will present and discu�s the elements oF the plaru�ing process at the meeting. <br />III.Organization and Conbents of the Comprehensive Plan <br />Meetin8 objectives: <br />� Create berter understanding about role and function of ComPrehensi��e Plan <br />• Review/discuss ComPrehensive Plan content <br />As we noted at the last meetin�, Roseville has an unusual Comprehensive Plan. Totalin� more than 2,200 <br />pa�es, it is probably the largest municipal comprehensive plan in Minnesota. One of the underlyin� <br />objectives of the Comprehensive Plan Update is to create a more user-friendly doctunent. To that end, it is <br />necessary to discuss and reach a�reement on a workin� ver�ion of an outline for the Comprehensive Plan <br />early in the planning process. <br />� � <br />