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11i ��.i�9 .�. 7 FP9 '"r���� 4�� `�Cd'� C_s�qr Gs�°�iqr. I�'. I7yn�, In� T� :_�;1��G�0 PkGE: "1 i -- -- <br />JList a bnef search oi1 websites dedic�ted to health will bring numerous articles <br />to your attention in this matter. A recent post on www.il7ercola.conl cited a <br />British apartment buildiilg where resideiits on the top tloor ar� battling a inuch <br />higher incidence of all fornls oF cancer than anyone else in that regioi�. A radio <br />and cell phone tower sits on top of their bliilding. <br />Physicians iii Et�rope are much freer to study and post results of cancer <br />incidence due to radio wave activity. Unfortunately in the US we hear very <br />little about these studies. Coimnercialisnl yields a big clout in our medical <br />joun�als as well as ui cliiuc oftices. <br />I encourage you to deny tlus request for this or any radio tower in a�ly of our <br />residential areas in Roseville... and especially in our parks. <br />thank vou for your attention <br />Pan� Fabian <br />375 Brooks Ave W <br />koseville, MN <br />daytime phone: 6�1-483-6043 <br />evenulg: 651-483-0168 <br />