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Z SURVEY FOR: <br />rA PORTFOLIO, LLC <br />'— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — <br />---�� <br />�\ <br />-C. 9. i- 29. R. 23 � <br />g <br />= ���� I ; � � <br />� <br />a3 I I <br />. 9UII.OIIIG �RETAINING WALL I � <br />: - / <br />I I {. -� � <br />I � I � 2] GARKING SFACES - _ -- - --__I I \� <br />-�-�-�-�-1- - -V i <br />i <br />!i UiIUT'I EASEMENT DOC. N0. SJ8865 <br />____-_' `---___�___________________PUBUC �_ <br />- - _ - ACCES � <br />R <br />-_----_-'�N�_________________ �' <br />S � <br />RE7/JNINC M <br />,zp <br />t <br />Y P 5' ] �i <br />� •, SGACES � <br />� <br />� � <br />� 9 � <br />i _ 4 � <br />�$— S` <br />I <br />y 'Sp�n`t I <br />1 PARNINC $PACE <br />W � � I <br />_ <br />�� I o �� <br />� ' S <br />:N I � <br />I = �� <br />� <br />PUBUC - `� <br />ACCE55 <br />♦3 <br />I N <br />8 � <br />g � <br />i <br />� <br />i� � <br />N = <br />n <br />$ � <br />� <br />I MRES I I� 1 ' <br />/ <br />u � / <br />9 6B< � , `OKRNEAC MftES \ � � - � <br />� I � <br />f ; 1i <br />�3I I <br />` W V � m <br />� I i <br />I I / <br />- _ _ _ _ � I_ - _ �\ <br />_ __ � _ T _ _ _ _ - _ _ - _---------------- �j \I <br />� <br />I <br />I �� n I 1 <br />i gi <br />I <br />- �� - - - --; <br />el I <br />�I <br />�� � I <br />il n <br />�� I n <br />' _ � - � - _ � _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - � � <br />� I �� <br />--1--------------------�, <br />p�rposes gro�tea to tne C�ty ot Rose�ilie as evitle�ced �y Document <br />s porcel) <br />(Fa����ew Avenue) over the Eost 43 feet of premises granteE lo the <br />Document No. 590606. (AS shown, burdens this porceQ <br />easement for utility and rood purposes over the North 35 (eet ot the <br />.25 ieet of the Nalheost Ouarter of the Northwesl Ouarter ot Section <br />CouMy, Minnesota. See Document No. SC6J11. (AS shorn, doea nat <br />llities are based on As-Bu'iit '�n/ormat��o� /rom Cophe� Stote One Call ond <br />. C� DENOTES CONCRE7E <br />-S- DENOTES S�NITARV SEMER <br />BOX -ST- DENOTES $TORM SEUER <br />-W- DENOTES WATER MAIN <br />v -E- DENOTES ELELTRICITV <br />- G- OENO7E5 GAS <br />���� DENOTES BUILD�NG <br />IONS <br />INFO, AHD ITEA1 �76. NOTED <br />�3 <br />HaNiTr u�v <br />a '� <br />M � .. . � <br />� i <br />� . i � � � <br />°� G�a�He.aCN ` gl <br />- :�l = : <br />_' I o. � �O� Y E <br />c.w �... o r I <br />� - . . r�l .....,.. <br />2579-2605 N. FAIRVtEW AVE <br />Porcel 3: <br />Trotl A <br />The Swth 200 feet of the North 700 faet of lhe East 468.6 feel of the <br />Northewt Ouarter ot the Northvest Quarter o1 Section 9. Townehip 29, Ronge 23, <br />Romsey Counly, Minnesota. <br />TroCt B: <br />T�e Wesl 217.8 feet ol iha East 686.4 /eet ol the South 200 /eet of tha North <br />700 feet of the Northeosl Ouarter pf the Northweat Ouarter ol Section 9, <br />Townshlp 29, Ronge 23. <br />Together with on eayement for ulitity ond rood Ourposes over tha Nwth 35 leet <br />of the South 398.86 /eet of the Eoat 656.25 feet ot the Northeaat Ouorter o1 <br />the Nathwast Ouarter of Section 9, Township 29, Ranqe 23, Romsey County, <br />Minneaoto. <br />(Tortens) <br />Paicel 3 <br />To: ERP Minnesota Portfolio. L.L.C., o Delaware Ilmited liobility compony, Lehmon <br />Brothers Holdings, Inc., D/B/A Lehmon Capital, a divieion ol Lahmon 8rothers <br />Holdings. Ina, ond ita succeaaors o� assigns, New York �ontl Services, a <br />�andArnerica Compony, lvnd Amerlca Laryers Title, Commonwealth Land itle <br />InSU�ante Compony, Lawyer5 Ti(le InsUrpnCe COrporotion antl Neor North Nationol <br />Tltle' <br />This Is lo certify that thia maD or pla� ond t�e survey on which it is based w <br />mode in occwdance rith 'Minimum StonOOrE DetaY repuireme�U Ior ALTA/ACS�Ae <br />Lond Title Surveys", jointly established on0 adopted by the ALTA on0 NSPS in <br />2005, ond includes Itema i, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7(a) k(El). B. 9. 10, 11(b), 13 ond 16 <br />of Table A thereol. Pursuont to the Acturocy Standards os odo0�ed Dy AITA ond <br />NSPS and In eHect on the Eota of thia certif<otion, the undarsiqned lurther <br />tertifief thot in my profeaaional opinion, ae o �ond Surveyor Fegiatered in the <br />Stote ol IAinnesoto: 7he relative positional accura�y of this survey tloes nol <br />ezceed t�at w�ich ie speci(ed therein. <br />1. The survey was mode on the ground Moy 75, 2006 ond mrrectly shows the <br />locotion of all obaervaDle above ground Cuiltlings, alructures ond other <br />improvemenb siWated on lhe suDJect property. <br />2. The eubject property has occeas lo and kom a duly Oedicote0 ond occepted <br />public atreet or hiqhwoy known oa �oirview Avenue. <br />3. There ore 74 mmkeC automobile parking spaces on the su0ject property, <br />including 1 hondicappe0 spaces. <br />4. This property is cloesi�ed os a Zone C area on Ftood Ineuronce Rote Map No. <br />270599-001B doted Morch }0, 1981. <br />5. Eacapt as snown on the survey lhere are no oDServable, obova ground <br />encroochments (o) by the improvements on the subject DroDerty upon adp�n�ng <br />properf�ea, stroets or alleys, or (b) by the improvements on ad'pining properties. <br />stre<ts o� olleys u0� the aubjecl property. <br />6. The lowt�on o1 each easement. right of woy, aerv�tutle ar.0 other motter <br />affecting the subject property onE li�ted in the tltie insuronce commitment No. <br />211486. Eated Fabruory 28, 2006, issuea by Commonweolth LonE Title Insuronce <br />Compony ond Lowyera Tide Insuronce Corporotion with respect to lhe subject <br />proDerty, hos been shorn on the eurvey, together with appropriote re<ording <br />references. lo the ertent Ihot auch matters ton De lototed ond ihe property <br />snown on the survey �s the proDerty OescribeE in the title commitment. <br />CAR�EV-TORGERSEN,INC. <br />Dated: <br />Dovid E. Torgersen, Pl5 <br />Minnesoto Registratiw+ No. 17551 <br />TOTAL AREA 0� FROPERTV INCLUDING ROAD=137.280 SO FT <br />PARCEL 3 <br />WWW.CARLEY—TORGERSEN.COM '"°�°bY °°"''Y i''°t tn" s°^'°Y, P'°" °' '�P°'' "°s <br />preporoC br m� o� ��d�� my d�.«c s�omm�o� a�a <br />C �651 � 484-3301 mo� i am a duly Registerod �o�a s��eYo� ��ae� <br />the lows ot the State of Minnesota. <br />A <br />R 70 W COUNTY ROAD 'C SUITE 70J <br />LITTLE CANADA, MN. 55117 <br />L Dovid E. Torgersen, P.L.S. <br />FAX: (651) 765-9729 Mlnn. Reg. No. 17557 Date <br />Y suwrru+s <br />T�� �� OQUnLIN SERViCE SwCE 19a80 <br />Job No. 06-032D Fle No. <br />\ • • <br />