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• <br />}=ebruary 4, 2010 <br />NIr. Duane Albrecht <br />1408 County Road C <br />R���e��iile. I�1N 5� 1 l 3 <br />I)car Mr. Albrecht: <br />• <br />1. �%� � <br />� <br />I���anted to follow up on our conversation regarding your proposed interim use land use application i�� <br />allo��� for outdoor storage at ]450 County Road C. <br />As indicated in the application material, you will be required to hold a public informatfonal meetin�� �� itl� <br />the surrounding neighbors prior to submitting the interim use application. Please be aware that you �� i l l <br />ileed to provide a summary of the comments you reeeived as part of that public mecting. ��hc 5umnia���� <br />�� ill need to be included with the application submittal. <br />I�vould also like to stress again that you must clean up the property as dii-ected in pre� ious <br />correspondence from Mr. Don Munson. On January 25, 2010, city staff received permission trom th�� <br />City Council to proceed with a court citation for the violations at 1450 County Road C. Understandin` <br />that one of the violations (outdoor storage) is the basis of your interim use request, it is very import��n; <br />that you comply with the notification received from Mr. Munson and remove all of material related tu <br />Albrecht Landscaping Co. from the site. If there are outstanding violations remaining on the propert� a� <br />the Interim Use issue is being considered, staff cannot even consider supporting yow- request. Therefi,i r. <br />it is in your best interest to clean up the property as much as possible prior to submittin�� your Interim l��� <br />request. <br />1 can be reached at (651) 792-7071 if you would like to discuss this matter further. <br />Respectfully, <br />CITY ROSEVILLE <br />Patrick Trudgeon <br />('oi��mtinity Development irector <br />('c� I�on Munson <br />26611 Ci��ic Center Dri�-e ❖ Rose��ille, �4innesota 55] ] 3 <br />651-?92-RC)SE ❖ TDD 651-792-7399 ❖� <br />Rec�ded paper - 30`%'o post-consumer coment <br />