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. <br />� �� � <br />• <br />October 28, 2010 <br />Keller Williams Integrity Realty <br />Attn: Grant Johnson <br />2680 Snelling Avenue, Suite 100 <br />Roseville, MN 55113 <br />RE: 3053 Chatsworth Street minor subdivision application approval <br />Dear Mr. Johnson, <br />On October 25, 2010, Roseville's City Council approved the proposed minor subdivision at 3053 <br />Chatsworth Street as illustrated in the site plan reviewed with the application (enclosed with this <br />letter for your reference), with the following conditions: <br />a. The applicant shall submit a topographic survey and grading/storm water management plan <br />for City approval, and implementation of the approved plan shall be a necessary condition of <br />the administrative approval of the final survey as required in § 1104.04E of the City Code; <br />b. The applicant shall verify that setback between the existing home and the proposed property <br />boundary and, if the setback is less than 10 feet, an appropriate amount of the existing <br />"greenhouse" structure shall be removed to achieve the required setback; <br />c. At least 5 feet of the existing horseshoe driveway shall be removed from each parcel by July <br />l, 2011 to conform to the required setback from the shared parcel boundary; and <br />d. The existing accessory structure shall be removed from the southern parcel by July 1, 2011. <br />If plans for new home construction utilizing the existing driveway have been submitted by <br />June 1, 2011, the bulk of the driveway may remain, but that pavement which is within the <br />required 5-foot setback from the northern parcel boundary shall be removed by July 1, 2011. <br />Please submit the required topography survey and grading plan in addition to a final survey of <br />the two approved parcels, the new legal descriptions, and deeds for both parcels by November <br />24, 2010 for review by City staff to verify that these final documents are consistent with the City <br />Council approval. Once the documents have been reviewed, you must file them with the Ramsey <br />County Recorder within another 60 days; according to §1104.04E of the City Code, failure to <br />adhere to this timeline will cause the subdivision approval to expire. <br />Please feel free call me at 651-792-7073 if you have any questions or concerns. <br />Respectfully, <br />CITY OF ROSEVILLE <br />Bryan Lloyd <br />Associate Planner <br />copy: Chris Andrews (via email) <br />City of Roseville Community Development Department <br />2660 Civic Center Drive •: Roseville, Minnesota 55113 <br />651-792-7005 •:• www• <br />