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Planning Files
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Division of Land
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• • <br />parcel, DRC staff recommend requiring the provision and implementation of a grading <br />� plan — which may involve both proposed parcels — before the subdivision approval is <br />�� considered final. <br />���.� 5.3 According to the procedure established in § 1104.04E, if a MINOR SUBDIVISION application <br />��� is approved, a survey of the approved parcels, the new legal descriptions, and any <br />i,; necessary Quit Claim or Warranty deeds must be submitted within 30 days for <br />administrative review to verify consistency with the City Council's approval; then the <br />,. approved survey must be recorded by the applicant with the Ramsey County Recorder. <br />� 6.0 PUBLIC COMMENT <br />Prior to public notification of the application and public hearing, Planning Division staff <br />c; received a phone call from someone who is concerned that the developer will cut down <br />. the trees in the rear of the new parcel to position a new home in that location so that the <br />�� owner can better appreciate the trees in the adjacent Open Space of Ramsey County's <br />; n Lake Josephine Park, which the caller felt would have an unreasonable impact on the <br />%� users of the Open Space. <br />, 7.0 RECOMMENDATION <br />.. Based on the comments and findings outlined in Sections 4-5 of this report, Planning <br />��i Division staff recommends approval of the proposed M1r1oR St1BDlv�stolv creating a total <br />�:� of two conforming parcels, consistent with the attached site plan, with the following <br />%�: conditions: <br />,, a. The applicant shall submit a topographic survey and grading/storm water <br />��= management plan for City approval, and implementation of the approved plan <br />%�' shall be a necessary condition of the administrative approval of the final survey as <br />�? required in § 1104.04E of the City Code; <br />i � b. At least 5 feet of the exiting horseshoe driveway shall be removed by July 1, 2011 <br />�: to conform to the required setback from the southern parcel boundary; and <br />' c. The exiting accessory structure and horseshoe driveway shall be removed from <br />r.a the southern parcel by July 1, 2011. If plans for new home construction utilizing <br />. the existing driveway have been submitted by June 1, 2011, the bulk of the <br />driveway may remain, but that pavement which is within the required 5-foot <br />setback from the northern parcel boundary shall be removed by July 1, 2011. <br />H.O SUGGESTED ACTION <br />By moNon, approve the proposed M�NOR suBniv[sloN at 3053 Chatsworth Street <br />� based on the input received during the public hearing and the comments and findings of <br />� Sections 4 and 5 and the recommendation of Section 6 of this report. <br />Prepared by: Associate Planner Bryan Lloyd (651-792-7073) <br />Attachments: A: Area map C: Site plan <br />B: Aenal photo <br />PF10-028 RCA 102510.doc <br />Page 3 of 3 <br />
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