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C�ntral <br />�c�mrr�un���r <br />�I�a�asir�g Trust <br />2003-2007 Strategic Plan <br />Central Community Housing Tiust (CCHT) was formed iu 1986 by a group of citizens responding to die <br />demolition of 350 housing units in downtown Minneapolis. Since then, CCHT has grown to be one of th� <br />lar;est and most respected nonprofit providers of affordable housing in the State of Minnesota. <br />This strategic plan tnerges CCHT's strengths with the Twin Cities community's greatest needs. The boals <br />and strategies outlined in this plan will enable CCHT to ex�and its geographic reach, increase its impact, <br />and take sibnificant steps towards its foundin� vision of ensuring a quality home fox eveiyone. <br />Mission and values <br />CCHT's mission is to create and sustain quality affardable housing rhat strengdietls Lives and coinintinities. <br />Irs values are: <br />• Comm��nity: Collaborate in the desigu of vibrant, Iiealtlly neighborhoods. <br />• Tn�st: Develop strong, effective relationship�. <br />• Diversity: 13uild an inclusive oxganizatioil and conimuniry. <br />• Excellence: Set ancl aehieve high qualiry goals and standards. <br />• Sustainability: Ensure properties are long-terni cominuniry a�si ts. <br />• Leade�:ship: Ad��auce positive comtuunity cLiange. <br />Goals and strategies <br />CCHT will ��se die follou�ing �oals and strategies to achieve irs' niissiun. <br />Community Relations <br />Goal: Increase visibility and broaden comiuunity 5upport for loub term stability and success. <br />Strategies: <br />• Increase the base of individual support through a strategic "Building Dreams" initiati��e. <br />• Significantly increase ptiblic awareness of CCHT's mission, values, and imp�ict. <br />• Develop and maintain effective neighborhood and cominLUlity relationships. <br />• Develop new opportunities for members of the commuiliry to actively learn about ;tnd en�age in <br />tlie work of CCHT. <br />• Cultivate new and innovative sources of funding in the local and national corporate and <br />foundation coinmunities. <br />1625 Park Avenue, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55404 • 612-341-3148 • FAX 612-341-4208 • <br />