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�`�r�..u.,,, '�,,.,`�i.,:�=c—�� <br />��,�t_�C� ��....�,�-,ti,��. <br />� ��-�� <br />IUP to Allo�v Concrete and Asphalt Crushing <br />Project Environmental Scope <br />Twin Lakes Phase I <br />Roseville, Minnesota <br />1) Pre-demolition Hazardous Building Materials Inspection per EPAiMPCA/MDH <br />rules. <br />2) Removal and off-site disposal of asbestos containing �naterials and other <br />hazardous building materials such as batteries, lighting, HVAC control devices, <br />boiler meters and gauges and other areas of inercury concern, PCBs, lead, <br />chlorofluorocarbons, petroleum and other chemicals. <br />3) Special inspection and testing to evaluate concrete/brick and asphalt for the <br />presence of contaminants that would preclude their crushing and reuse on site per <br />the MPCA Solid Waste Beneficial Use Rules. Examples: asbestos in concrete <br />and contaminated concrete. <br />4) Removal of additional concrete for off-site disposal based oi1 results of special <br />inspection and testing. <br />5) Deconstruction/demolition of buildings, roads and parking lots. Off-site disposa] <br />of concrete/brick and asphalt materials not meeting the requireinents of the <br />MPCA Solid Waste Beneficial Use Rules. Recycling of other building materials <br />as possible. <br />6) Stockpile concrete/brick and asphalt materials meeting the require�nents of the <br />MPCA Solid Waste Beneficial Use Rules. Stockpiling in accordance with the <br />MPCA Solid Waste Storage Rules. <br />7) Crushing of the stockpiled concrete/briek and asphalt in accordance with the <br />contractor's MPCA air quality permit. Storage of crushed material in accordance <br />wiih the MPCA Solid Waste Storage Rules. <br />o Concun�ent testing for air quality permit compliance in accoi-dance ���itl� <br />the permit requirements and OSHA requirements for workers. <br />8) Reuse of crushed materials in accordance with the MPCA Solid Waste Beneficia] <br />Use Rules: <br />o concrete to substitute for conventional aggregate <br />o asphalt or concrete-asphalt mix as class VII aggregate per Mn/DOT <br />specifications for road and parking ]ot base material under asphalt or <br />concrete pavin�. <br />