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;!: � ► ; l°� <br />The Internationnl Cndes are designed and promulga[�d to be adopted by reference by ordinance. Jurisdictioiis wishinD to adopt <br />the 2003 Inter�iatiuna! Proper7y Mninteiinnce Cvde as an enforceabie regulation governing existing strucnires and prenuses <br />should ensure that certain factual inform:iCI0117S L1lCluded in the adopting ordinance at the time advption is being considered by the <br />appropriate �overnmental body. The following sample adop�ion ordina�ce acldresses several key elements of a code adc>ption or- <br />dinance, including the infoi-mation required for insertion into the code text. <br />SAAII�LE ����NA�1�E ��R �►D�i'�°I�EV OF' <br />THE 1�1`T�Ri�i�il�l�lAL Pf°��P��ii� ft�.�4IiJiE�V�ItVCE COI�� <br />OR�INr4�l�� �1i3. <br />An ordinance of the [JURISDICTION] adoptii�g the 20{)3 edi[ion of th� lrrtc:r•rzcuiortal Prnpel-t�� Mctrr�re�iance Cocfe, regulating and <br />governiva the conditions and maintenance of all pc•operty, buildings and struccures; by providin� the standards for supplied utili- <br />ties and facilities and other physical things aild conditions essential to e�is�re that stnictures are safe, sanitary and iit for occupa- <br />tion and use; and the condemi�ation of buildin�s and struct�u-es unfit fcir human occupancy and use, and the demolition of such <br />existing striictures in the [JURISDICTION]; providinb for the issuance oI �er�nits and collection of fees therefor; repeaiing Ordi- <br />nance No. of the [JURISDICTION] and all oil�er ordinances and parts of the ordinances in conflict the.rewith. <br />The [GOVERNING BODYJ of Che [JURiSDICTIaNj does ordain as follows: <br />Section 1. That a certain document, three (3) copies of which are on file in [he office of [he [TiTLE OF JURISDICTIOMS KEEPER OF <br />RECORDS] of [NAME OFJURISDICTIONj, being marked and desionated ss the In1er-�urtioncrl Proper-t y A�ariitcoaance Code, 2Q03 edi- <br />tion, as gublished Uy the [nternatio�ial Code Co�mcil, be and is hereby adop[ed as the Property Maintenance Code of the [JURIS- <br />DICTION], in the State of [STATE NAME] for regulating and governin� the conditions and maintenance of all property. buildings and <br />structures; by providinb the standards Fo: suppiied utiliiies and facilities �md otlier physical thin�s and conditions essential to en- <br />sure that structures are safe, sanitary and tit for occupation and use; and the coi�demnation of building� and structares <<nt7t for hu- <br />man occupancy and use, and the demolition of s��ch existin_ structures as herein provided; Providing for the issu�:�:c� of pe�mits <br />and collection of fees therefor; and each and all of the reRulations, provisions, pe.nalties, conditions and terms of said Property <br />Maintenance Cocle on file in the oftice of the [J��RiS1D1CTION] are hereby referred to, adopted, and macte a part hereof, as if fully set <br />out in this oE•dinance, with the adctitions, insertions, deletions �nd chan`es, if az�y, prescribed in Section 2 of this ordinanee. <br />Section 2. The followina sections are hereby revised: <br />Section lOLI. Insert: (NAME OF dURISDICTION] <br />Section 103.5. Insert: [APPROPRIATE SCHEDULEj <br />Sec[ion 304. I4. Insert: [DATES IN TWO LOCATIONSj <br />Section 602.3. Insert: [DATES iN TWO LOCATIONS] <br />Section 602.4. Insert: [DATES IH TWO LOCAT{ONS] <br />a Section 3. That Ordinance No. of [JllRiSDICTIONj entitled (F1LL IN HERE THE COMPLETE TITLE OF THE ORDINANCE OR <br />'j ORDIMANCES IN EFFECT AT THE PRESENT TIME SO THAT THEY WILL SE REPEALED BY DEFINITE MENTIONj and all other ordi- <br />nances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewi�h are hereby repealed. <br />'n! Section 4. That if any section, subse.ction, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is, Por any reason, held to be anconstitu- <br />':�, tional, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance. The [GOVERNING BODY] hereby de- <br />'� clares that it would have passeci this ordinance, and each section, subsection, ciause or phra�e tl�ereof. iiTespective of the f�ct tha� <br />any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses and phrases be decla��ed unconstitutional. <br />Section 5. That nothing in fhis ordinance or in the Property i1�Iaintenance Code hereby adopted sl�all be constru„_ t� sffect any s�3it <br />orproceeding impending in any court, or any rights acquired, or liability incarred, or any cause or causes o£action acquired orex- <br />isting, under any act or ordivance hereby repealed as cited in Section 2 of this ordinance; nor shall any just or legal right c�r remedy <br />of any character be lost, impaired or affected by tlzis ordinance. <br />Sec[ion G. That the [JURISQICTI�N'S KEEPER OF RECORDSj is hereby ordcred and directed to cause [his ordinance to be pub- <br />lished. (An additional pmv+sion may be required to direct the numbcr of times the ordinance is to be published and to specify that <br />it is to be in a newspaper in general circuiation. Posting may also be required.) <br />f2� <br />5: <br />2003 INTERNATIONAL PROPER7Y MIAINTENANCE CQDE � <br />