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---- ---- ---_ ---- -_-.-. ,-- -��--.- - <br />_ ___ ,__ _-__. _ _ <br />ADMINISTRATION <br />108.1.2 Unsafe equipment. Ur,safe equipmen[ includes <br />aay boiler, heatiiag equipment, elevator, inovv�, stairway, <br />elecu7cal winng or de��ice, flammable tiquid containei:s or <br />other equipment on [he premises or within the sUucture <br />which is in such disrepair or conditiott [hat such equipment <br />is a hazard [o life, health, property or safety of the pubIic or <br />occupants of the premises or stru�ttu�e. <br />108..1.3 Structure nnfit forltuman occupancy. A structure <br />i5 unfit for human occupancy whenever the code official <br />finds that such structure is unsafe, unlawful or, because of <br />the degree to which the stnicture is in disrepair or lacks <br />maintenance, is iusanitary, vermin or rat infested, contains <br />tilth and cnntamination, or lacks ven[ilation, illumination, <br />sanitary or lleating i'acilities or ocher essential equipment re- <br />yuired by this code, or hecause the location of the structure <br />constitutes a hazard to the occupants of the structui�e or to <br />the public. <br />3A$.1.4 Unlawful structure. A�� uiilswFul stn�cture is one <br />found in whole or in part to be occupied by more persoEis <br />than permitted under [his code, or was erecte�l, altered or oc- <br />cupied con[rary to law. <br />lU8_2 Closing of vacant struett3res. If the scructui�e is vacant <br />and imFit for human habitation and occupancy, and is not in <br />danger of structural collaPse, the code oiiicia: is authorized to <br />post a placard o1' condemn�ition on the premises and order the <br />structure closed up so as not to be an a[tracti��e nuisance. Upon <br />faili�re of the owner to close up the premises within the time <br />specitied in the order, the code ofiicial shall cause the premises <br />to be closed and secured throu�h any available public agency or <br />by contract or ai-��angement by private persons and the. cos[ <br />thereof shall be charged against the real estate upon which the <br />structure is located and shall be a lien upon such real estate and <br />m�ry be c:ollecte�l by any other legal resource. <br />108.3 Notice. Whenever the code of.ficial has condemned a <br />structure or eyuipment under the prc�visions of this section, no- <br />tice shal] be posted in a conspicuous place in or about the stnic- <br />ture affected by such notice and senred on the owne:r or the <br />person or persons responsible fc�r tl�e structure or �quipment in <br />accordance with Secrion 107.3. If tlie ��otice pertains to equip- <br />ment, it st�al] also be placed oa [he condemned equipment. The <br />notice shall be in the form prescribed in Section 1072. <br />108.4 Placarding. Upon failure of the o��ner a• person respon- <br />sible to comply with the notice provisions within the time <br />D ven, the code oi'iicial shall post on the premises or on defec- <br />[ive equipmcnt a placard bearing the word "Condemned" and a <br />statement of the penalties provided for accupyiag tl�e premises, <br />operatin� the eyuipment or removinb the placard. <br />1U8.4.1 Placard removal. The code o+=Ficial shalt remove <br />the conderruiatic�n placard whenever t:�e c�F.fect or defects <br />upon which the condetnnation and placarc(in� action were <br />based have been eliminated. Any person who defaces or re- <br />moves a condemnation placard without the approval of the <br />code ofticial shall be subject to tl�e penalties provided by <br />this code. <br />�208.5 Prohibited occuparncy. Any occupied structure con- <br />demned and placarded by the code offici�il shall be vacated as <br />ordered by the code official. Any person who shall accupy a <br />placarded premises or sha11 operate placarded equipmenc, and <br />4 <br />� <br />any owner or auy person responsible for the premises who shatl <br />let anyone occupy a placardecl premises or operate placarded <br />eyuipznent shall be liable for the penalties provided by this <br />code. <br />SECTION 109 <br />ENiERGENCY MEASURES <br />IO9.1 Ir�u�ii�ent danger. When, in the opinion of the cc�de oPfi- <br />cial, there is in�ininent danger of failure or collapse of a build- <br />ing or structure which endangers life, or when any structure or <br />part of a structure has fa]lej� and lifie is endangered by the occu- <br />pation of ihe structure, or when there is actual or potential dan- <br />;er to the buildiu� occupants or trose in che proximity o£ any <br />structure because of exPlosives, expiosive fumes or vapors or <br />the presence of toxic fumes, gases or materials, or oper�tion of <br />clefective or danger�us equipment, the code of#icial is hereby <br />authorized and empowered to orcler and require the occupants <br />[o vscate the; premises forthwith. The code oft7cial shal] cause <br />to be posted at each entrance to such structuc•e a notice reading <br />as follows: "This Structure Is Unsafe at�d Its Occ�ipancy Has <br />Been Prohibite� hy ±h� Code Off:cial." !; shai] l,e u:ilawful for <br />any person to enter such structure except for the purpose of se- <br />cuting the structure, making the tequired repairs, removing the <br />l��ua3�dous condition or of demolishin� the saine. <br />109.2 Temporary saf'�guarcts. Notwithstandino other provi- <br />sions of titis code, whenever, in the opinion of the code official, <br />[here i� i���minent dan�er due to an unsaf�e condition, dl�� code <br />offici�l sha[l �rder the necessary work to be done, ;r,ciuding the <br />bnarding up of openin�s, to render such stn�cture temporarily <br />safe whether or tioc the le�al procedure herein descdbed has <br />been ins[.ituted; and shal] cause such other action to be taken as <br />the code offci�il deems necessary co meet such emergency. <br />1093 Closing sireets. When necessary Far pnblic safety, the <br />coc{e olficial shali temporarily close structures and close, or or- <br />der [he authc��ity havin� jurisdiction to close, sidewalks, streets, <br />public ways an�l places adjace��t to unsaf'e structures, and pro- <br />l�ibit the same Erom being utitired. <br />109.4 Emergency re�airs. For the puipc�ses of this section, the <br />code official shall employ the necessary labor and ma[erials to <br />perform the required work as expeditiously as possible. <br />109.5 Ce�sts of einergency repairs. Costs incurred in the per- <br />fonnance of emea•gency work shall be paid by the jurisdiction. <br />The leval counsel ot� the jurisdiction shall institute appropriate <br />action aD�inst the owner vf the pren�ises where the unsafe <br />structure is or was located for the recovery of such costs. <br />1(19.6 Hearing. Any person oi•dcred to take emergency mea- <br />sures shall comply with sueh order focthtvith. Any affected per- <br />son shall thereafter. upon petition directed to the appeats board, <br />Ue afforcied a heariiig as clescribed in [his code. <br />SECTION 110 <br />DENlOLITtON <br />110.1 Ge�eral. The code official shall order the owner• of any <br />premises upon which is located �ny sU�ucture, which in the code <br />ofticial's _judbment is so old, dilapidated or has becoine so out <br />2003 INTEfiNlATIONAL PFIOPERTY tiAAINTENANCE CODE� <br />---�. <br />� <br />3 <br />; <br />3 <br />1 <br />f <br />9 <br />