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CHQPTER4 <br />LIGHT, VENTtLATION AND <br />OCCUPANCY LINtITATiONS <br />SECTION 401 <br />GENERAL <br />401.1 Scope. The provisions of this chapter shall govern the <br />minimum conditions and standards for light, ventilation and <br />space for occupying a structure. <br />401.2 Respansibility. The owner af the structure shall provide <br />and maintain light, ventilation and space conditions in compli- <br />ance with these requirements. A person shall not occupy as <br />owner-occupant, or permit another person to occupy, any pre- <br />mises that do not comply with the requirements of tlus chapter. <br />401.3 Atternative devices. In lieu of the means for natural <br />light and ventilation herein prescribed, artiticial light or me- <br />char,ical ver.ti!ation comp(ying with the Iliternational Bui[ding <br />Code shall be permitted. <br />SECTION 402 <br />LlGHT <br />402.1 Habitab4e :;paces, Every habitable space shall have at <br />least one win:.'s,> of appraved size facing directly to the out- <br />doors or to a courc. The minimum total glazed area for every <br />habitable space shall be 8 percent of the tloor area of such <br />mom. Wherever walls or other poriions of a structure face a <br />window of any room and such obstructions are located less than <br />3 feet (914 rrun) from the window and extend to a level above <br />that of the ceiling of the room, such window shall not be <br />deemed to face direcdy ro the outdoors nor to a court and shall <br />not be induded as con[ributing to the required minimum total <br />window area for the room. <br />Exception: Where natural light for rooms or spaces without <br />exterior glazing areas is provided through an adjoining <br />room, the unobstructed opening to the adjoining room shall <br />be at least 8 percent of the floor azea of the interior room or <br />space, but not less tban 25 square feet (233 m'-). The exterior <br />glazing area shall be based on the total floor area being <br />served. <br />402.2 Common halls and stairways. Every common hall and <br />stairway in resideneial occupancies, other than in one- and two- <br />family dwellings, shall be lighted at all times with at least a 60- <br />watt standard incandescen± light bulb tor each 200 square feet <br />(19 m2) of floor area or equivalent illumination, provided that <br />the spacing between lights shall no[ be greater than 30 feet <br />{9144 mm). In other than residential occupancies, means of <br />egress, including exterior means of egress stairways shall be il- <br />luminated a[ all times the buildina space served by the means of <br />egress is occupied with a minimum of 1 footcandle {11 lux) at <br />t7oors, landings and treads. <br />402.3 Other spaces. All other spaces shall be provided with <br />natural or artificial light sufficient to permit the maintenance of <br />20Q3 INTERNATIONAL PROPERTY MAINTENANCE CODEO <br />sanitary conditions, and the safe occupancy of the space and <br />utilization of the appliances, equipment and iixtures. <br />SECTION 403 <br />VENTILATION <br />403.1 Habitable spaces. Every habitable space shall have at <br />least one openabie window. The total openable area of the win- <br />dow in every room shall be equai to at least 45 percent of the <br />minimum glazed area required in Section 402.1. <br />Exception: Where rooms and spaces without openings to <br />the outdoors are ventilated through an adjoining room, the <br />unobstructed opening to the adjoining room shall be at ]east <br />8 percent of the floor area of the interior room or space, but <br />not less tnan 25 syuare feet �233 m�)• The ventilation ooen- <br />ings to the outdoots shall be based on a total floor area being <br />ventilated. <br />403.2 Bathrooms and toilet rooms. Every bathroom and toiiet <br />room shall comply with the ventilation requirements for habit- <br />able spaces as required by Section 403.1, except tizat a window <br />shall not be reguired in such spaces equipg.,�� witn a mecnani- <br />cal ventilation system. Air exhausted by a mechanical ventila- <br />tion system from a bathroom or toilet room shall discharge to <br />the outdoors and shall not be recirculated. <br />403.3 Cooking facilities. Unless approved through the certifi- <br />cate of occupancy, cooking shall not be permitted in any room- <br />ing unit or dormitory unit, and a cooking facility or appliance <br />shall not be permitted to be present in a rooming uiut or dormi- <br />tory unit. <br />Exception: Where specifically approved in writing by the <br />code official. <br />403.4 Process ventilation. Where injurious, to�cic, uritating or <br />noxious fumes, gases, dusts or �nists are generated, a local ex- <br />haust ventilation system shall be provided to remove the con- <br />taminating agent at the source. Air shall be exhausted to the <br />exterior and not be recirculated to any space. <br />403.5 Clothes dryer exhaust. Clothes dryer exhaust systems <br />shall be independent of all other systems and shall be exhauseed <br />in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. <br />SECTION 404 <br />OCCUPANCY LIMITATIONS <br />404.1 Privacy. llwelling units, hotel units, housekeeping units, <br />rooming units and dormitory units shall be arranged to provide <br />piivacy and be separate from other adjoining spaces. <br />404.2 Minimum room widths. A habitable room, other than a <br />kitchen, shall not be less than 7 feet (2134 mm) in any pian di- <br />mension. Kitchens shall have a clear passageway of not less <br />13 <br />� :.'. <br />