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REQUEST FOR CITY COUNCIL DISCUSSION <br />DATE: OS-15-06 <br />ITEM No.: <br />Staff Approval: Manager Approval: Agenda Section: <br />DPW <br />Item Description: Consider Twin Lakes 5 Year AUAR Review Process (PF3722) <br />1.0 REQUESTED ACTION: <br />Discuss the required 2006 Alternate Urban Area (AUAR) 5 year review planning and <br />environmental tool. Since the City has adopted the AUAR and it has been reviewed and <br />approved through the EQB process, the City is responsible for the review and filing of the <br />5 year update, which should take less than one year, beginning in August of 2006. <br />2.0 BACKGROUND: <br />2.1 On August 12, 2001, the City Council held a public hearing, took public testimony and <br />adopted the Twin Lakes AUAR as the planning and environmental tool for <br />redevelopment within the 280 acres study area. The State Environmental Quality Board <br />(EQB) rules require a"post 5 year" review of each approved AUAR. The deadline to <br />begin such a review is August 12, 2006. <br />2.2 What must be done in the 5 year review of the AUAR for Twin Lakes is an update of <br />completed portions of the AUAR described development that lists and describes: <br />• All approvals and build-outs to date noting consistency with (or above\below) the <br />AUAR thresholds, noting all issues which are less than, equal to or exceed the AUAR <br />• The land uses changed beyond the limits of the AUAR <br />• Trafiic changed beyond the limits estimated in the AUAR <br />• Mitigations - management for quality and\or storage capacity beyond what was <br />anticipated in the concept of the original AUAR plan. <br />• the remainder of the site from Fairview to Snelling, and from G2 to Brenner where <br />very few changes have occurred. <br />The update is not considered an overhaul of the existing AUAR. Our staff and consultants <br />will go back to the original final AUAR document and highlight what has been changed <br />during the 5 years, and how that may have changed the mitigation procedures. Our <br />procedure will be to create a digital document that can be posted on web sites or copied to <br />CDs. We will an annotate style, using a"strike-out or "underline add-in" technique within <br />the existing final AUAR and then add digital links to supporting documents. (A similar <br />technique is used by Scott County.) Staff will not rewrite the entire document. <br />The land use changes are activities that the city staff can do, but issues relating to traffic, <br />turning movements and new capacity on recently rebuilt County Road C must be done in <br />a traffic model, (preferably the city's new model) or one developed by a traffic consultant <br />
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